Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday's thought: Tameka Day

Just before we retired for the evening, favorite guys turns to me and asks my request for the Mother's Day breakfast menu. Eggs, I say of course (I'm competitive, I want to see just how high I can make my cholesterol) I later amend that request to quiche, more specifically. A few short seconds later, I request solitude to go along with that quiche, and beer.

Well, it got me to thinking...who is this omnipotent trendsetter who makes para holidays happen, and how do I get one? I don't want to be a high roller like Santa or the Easter bunny, but for Pete's sake, groundhogs have a day. And look at that, Pete has his own old people's expression.

So yes folks, while I am ever grateful to have Mother's day to share among the masses of other stretch marked, saggy boobed, snot and other bodily fluid covered deities-it just wouldn't be me if I didn't request my own day. For the smarty pants who thinks they have the short and sweet of it; I know I have a birthday. That's the day I put my mother on the Mother's Day celebration map-it is not my day. I want to be on Google headers and dollar store calendars. Yes, I want your children to cut out little brown Tameka figures and add Birkenstock sandals and clothes that don't necessarily match.

Today's random thought: How cool do I have to be to get my own day? And you, what are you thinking this glorious Thursday?


HelloKnitty said...

The day you stop learning is the day you die

TotusMel said...

I want my own day too! I really like the random thought idea,lovely.

Katie L. said...

Today I'm tired, a 4 month old will do that to you though. :)
I love this post, you made me smile! :) I look forward to wearing Birkenstock sandles and sort of mismatched clothes on Tameka Day!

Amanda said...

My random thought for today is this: A playpen is a wonderful thing; I wish I had one! lol (Maybe that thought is not random enough since I got that thought while babysitting my 8 month old nephew today...)

Anonymous said...

How I wish I could only pick one.

So many glare down at me like the sun.

Scattered thoughts which to I choose.

Happy ones or sad ones....

ohh my son needs new shoes !

Thanks Your Favorite Guy :)

Anonymous said...

Life is like a box of chocolates....
You reach in hope you get the chocolate with the cherry in it!

Unknown said...

Russian visa application process for English football fans can prove tricky when trying to sell high priced match tickets from the States... Solution: always have the number of your local Russian consulate handy!

Anonymous said...

So the other day this guy walks into my office to drop off something and he had on shorts and Birkenstocks after he left my boss looks at me and said ("Birkenstocks went out in 1995")I thought to myself what rock did you crawl out from under Birkenstocks will never go out. (she is a jodi anyways). I am looking foward to Tameka Day and will have my Birkenstocks and mismached clothes on.


High Desert Diva said...

I know what you mean...I've always thought my birthday should be a national holiday.

Which day of the year would you pick for Tameka Day if not your birthday or Mother's Day. Any particular favorite?

I'd go for stylish high heels on the doll though...can't for the life of me wear them in real life...might as well have a doll who can.

Anonymous said...

It's 10am and I don't want to hurt anyone yet . . .

Rosebud Collection said...

I will take any day I can get..right now I am shooting for Mother's Day..
Birkenstocks are very comfortable, I might add...

Kiandra said...

my would be a national baking and quilting marathon day.
the food? tings and lots of freshly baked pastries...

but maybe most of all i need a national toast day. i love toast. i crave toast...

btw, thanks for all your support during the last month...i'm getting back to normal (somewhat). i like this idea of thursday's thoughts...i'm always thinking in my head..could i delegate it to a day?

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