Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus...Is it really that difficult? Interplanetary correspondence and comprehension? I mean, is it really that difficult? I'd like to think in this great age of technological advancement we could narrow these broad communication ranges. Hell, with the internet and all, you're seriously telling me it has to be this complex?! You have got to be shittin' me!
Lately life in my house has been a lot like world travel, in some Quantum leap I have landed in the world of, "No-one-(my husband and teenage son) has-any-idea-what-the-fuck-I'm-talking- about." (Bob, I love that word, have you seen the movie? Good shit, I highly recommend). What do you do in a situation like this? Last night I cried, and I went to sleep with so much tension on my brain that I contemplated removing my eyes with a grapefruit spoon to allow my burgeoning amygdala room to breathe. Then I remembered my sonar is off so, not a brilliant idea. I then thought, perhaps I'll eat a box of donuts...nah, I'll just then be overweight and misunderstood. Well, here I sit on this glorious Thursday morning looking much like a tourist in my own home. I've a "Haven't-the-vaguest-idea-who-these-crazy-people-are-or-what-they-want from-me" expression on my face and a cup of molten lava hot coffee as I grin and bear it.
I'm going to treat commenting like dancing and hit the floor first in hopes that someone, anyone- will have pity on me and
*OP does mambo on one...*
...which is why women of the past were taking laudenum for their "Vapors", or swallowing
I much prefer Xanax, myself....
i wish i couldn't, but sadly, i can relate "o boy"
Awwwww, I feel your pain. Sometimes, my husband and I, it's like we're speaking 2 different languages. Or better yet, like I'm having a conversation with him and think he's also having one with me, but in reality, he seems to be having a conversation with someone in his imagination that he only THINKS is me. Good times, huh? Hey, so...are you REALLY a science nerd? I spied a something in your wish list and I could make you a little tiny something that may cheer you up.
yes i am really a science nerd!
What's your favorite color? It'd be for something non-wearable, if that matters.
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