My latest obsession is power walking while listening to Talk Radio. More specifically I listen to
92.3 KTAR; fairly conservative talk radio. I can listen to liberal banter all day at home.
Laughs. Conservative fodder is just the fuel I need when I start to feel the burn. It's Pavlovian in a way-now whenever I hear Ankarlo's voice I start to perspire. I kid, but you get my drift.
Well, today I must have looked like a full on Louie. (Loo-ee n. one who is lacking in screws, cards or marbles, an empty home with the lights on, not tightly wrapped. 7:30. Screwy Louie) Now, have a sip, get a visual; power walking, arms swinging, neck rolling, lips pursed whilst mm mm mmm'ing and teeth sucking simultaneously. Ready? Okay, hold that thought.
I live in Arizona, despite the vortexes, crystals and other matters of paranormal, supernatural enlightenment, Arizona is a quasi-conservative, fundamentalist, bible thumpin', Johnny get your gun and never mind what Beyonce says, very much to the right state. Today, Ankarlo's cast and crew present the judicial travesty that occurred in a Canadian court when a victim was "embarrassed and humiliated...re-victimized", in a domestic disturbance court case. The judge admonished the victim, Melodie White as follows: (full story here)
"Thirty years ago . . . there were all sorts of women in houses where men had beaten them, husbands had beaten them regularly, and they could not get out. They did not have jobs to go to and they had kids, and they were trapped. There was no way to stand up and get out, and we were trying to help the weak and the disadvantaged, but modern women are not weak and disadvantaged"
Can you believe in 2008 where every network is flooded with armchair and valid psychological theorem, the yokels were calling in- caller after caller, validating the judge's stance and even applauding him? On a personal level-as in I have no judiciary obligation, I can understand having heard enough from your whining ass perpetual victim of a girlfriend, but in a court of law? No way.
I have no cell phone (a practice I swore off in 2004) but I was ready to pull a phone jacking...that is, if anyone happened to pass me speed walking in the desert. One caller said, "she must have really low self esteem". Further victimizing the victim. Weakness and self-esteem has nothing to do with being assaulted. Abusers carefully select those they prey on because they, the abusers are weak and lacking the basic fundamentals of humanity. Why are we punishing the punished? This "jealous" man who is incapable of engaging productive discourse and who must thrust another human to the floor to get his point across is a model of strength, pride and valor? Give me a break.
Abuse, Arizonans and others who are unaware, begins with the scars we can't see. Not so much that the abused has low esteem in the definitive sense. But that, we live in a world that puts so much weight on war and strength and violence and MEN that as women, we often feel defeated before the battle has begun. If you are a woman and were working on your visa in light of perceived election woes, how 'bout you sit your ass down somewhere and come up with a Plan B. Or at least put a B on your chest and prepare for battle. When will this change?