
I probably should stop, but I just can't. A few months ago I discovered Swap-Bot. It's been the cure for 1. my need to create 2. my need to rid myself of random creations and make room to create. Many of the ATCs and other random works you've seen in my posts were for swap partners. I'm really having a blast!
About two weeks ago I stumbled upon an altered matchbook swap. I didn't join, but the wheels did start a' turning. I promised I'd find an excuse to alter a matchbox and I have. I needed to create something green for a reggae and Rastafari loving young woman in Latvia. I came up with the guy shown above. I call him Roots and Sulfur. I think I'm hooked, if only I could find some place to put all of the matches!

Super cute and creative. You make me wanna push my books to the side and surround myself with balls and balls of yarn, lol.
I'm going to pass on the CD exchange (I don't even know how to burn a CD and my only resident child is hardly ever home...)
BUT...I have a horror movie for you! THE SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW by Wes Craven. It is one of his early movies and it is terrific. It tells the story of an ethno-biologist who goes to Haiti to investigate a voodun drug for a pharmiceutical company. Don't wait with the kids (rather steamy sex scene) but a real plot and horror/suspense.
You crack me up. Love the ribbon hair and hat on your matchbox guy.
I'm with Cecileklay...I've never burned a cd...I know, I'm stuck in the dark ages...
I love the matchbox you do so many creative things. I truly admire that. Um, I am going to pass on the music thing -I am so bad. I have tons of music that I don't listen too. The thought of downloading all of my cds gives me nightmares. And I refuse to buy music I already own from itunes. Call me lazy but what can you do?
Fabulous! I love the hat!
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