Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fat Tuesday
Monday, September 29, 2008
Love, Lambs & Silence

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Shutter Click & Chat 9/28

Cha Cha Matador cap $85 ravinstyle.com , Grace ring $18 prettyinpeace.etsy.com, black leather boots with contrasting white stitching mine since 1999! Hayden Harnet Yoko Colorblock dress $220 ravinstyle.com. Now where will we go? And, what will you wear? Don't forget to link up! Peace.
Shutter Click & Chat 10/5: Mother Nature's Marvels
A tree, a bird, a blossom, a berry-show me one of Mother Nature's marvels.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I knew to choose just 10 pairs would be way too challenging, so I went with the 10 pairs most recently worn. Plus, they were the boxes I could get to without clearing the chair of my favorite but un-hung jeans and tops! Here are some brief intros. I guess if you click on my dandy collage, you can zoom in on the glory!

Friday, September 26, 2008
A First!

Believe ATC by T.Allen-Mercado 08/08
1. Halloween candy, playing dress up and cooler temperatures are some of the things I'm most looking forward to in October.
2. Sometimes I wish life had a handbook, not that I'd follow.
3. Childrearing wasn't always in the cards and that's why there is a saying, "never say never"!
4. When I'm down, I clean, complain and wallow in self-pity, it helps.
5. The dining room/kitchen is where you'll find me most often.
6. A rainy day is good for resting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to art, music and wine, tomorrow my plans include a comedy show with my Favorite Guy and Sunday, I want to sleep late!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gif; akin to Old High German ibu if
Date: before 12th century
1 a: in the event that b: allowing that c: on the assumption that d: on condition that2: whether
If I were a direction I’d be…East
If I were furniture I’d be…an old couch
If I were a liquid I’d be…honey
If I were a sin I’d be…forgiven
If I were a gem/stone I’d be…a ruby
If I were a metal I’d be…mercury
If I were a tree I’d be…fruit-laden
If I were a fruit I’d be…an apple
If I were a flower I’d be…a lily
If I were weather I’d be…an autumn breeze
If I were a musical instrument I’d be…castanets
If I were an element I’d be…lithium
If I were a color I’d be…golden
If I were an animal I’d be…a cat
If I were a sound I’d be…a whisper
If I were a lyric I’d be… "Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean dont you know. Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean. Sleepin' peace when day is done that's what I mean. And this old world is a new world and a bold world for me". -Nina Simone
If I were a music type I’d be…world jazz
If I were a perfume/cologne I’d be…patchouli
If I were a feeling I’d be…ambivalence
If I were food I’d be…shortbread cookies
If I were a city I’d be…Manhattan
If I were a taste I’d be…hot and sweet
If I were a scent I’d be…bold and woodsy
If I were a word I’d be… paradigm
If I were a verb I’d be…think
If I were an object I’d be…a tome
If I were a piece of clothing I’d be…a shawl
If I were an facial expression I’d be…a grimace
If I were a cartoon character I’d be…Lisa Simpson
If I were a movie I’d be…Castaway
If I were a geometric figure I’d be…a sphere
If I were one of the 4 seasons I’d be…autumn
If I were a sentence I’d be…a run-on
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I'll be back on Thursday!

The stop sign at the end of the street.
The headaches are back! I'll be taking a couple days to rest and obey the signs. Peace.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday and the Living Ain't Easy
Bumbling about still in a half haze-(Favorite Guy had an event this weekend so I'm still in max-socialization recharge mode) I begin to brew a cup of joe. Fill the filter, replace it. Fill the pitcher with water. Pour the water in the maker's well. Turn on the coffee maker. Sit at desk, check Etsy, e-mails and read blogs in no particular order. Now, generally the worse thing that can happen is I realize somewhere between full lucidity and grouchiness that I have not turned the coffee maker on. Not today. Today, I hear the piddle of freshly brewed goodness as it drips onto the counter top and subsequently the floor. The counter top and the floor?! Notice after, "Pour the water in the maker's well", there is no, "Place the pitcher on the base", before turning on the coffee maker. Well, yeah that...Happy Monday!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Shutter Click & Chat 9/21
Rod and I forget-her-name's wedding 1999
Favorite Guy took this pic at a cousin's wedding, it was the last shot in a one time use Rite Aid brand camera. No Photoshop, (note: full funky ashtray) Annie Leibowitz, or airbrushing; I owe the glow to Yael who was about 8 weeks old. You gotta love those wacky hormones sometimes!
Shutter Click and Chat 9/28:
A spin on the popular Flickr group, for next week's pic I invite you to put together one amazing ensemble from any online shops, boutiques or designers you can find and, incorporate one thing you already own. Ready? Begin.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hey Rocky! May I have a word with you?
I find myself using the same words so often that when I pull one out of the dusty grey crates (Does anyone remember the TV series Herman's Head?) I have to relearn it, kinda. Like, I have to make certain that I'm not pulling an Oswald Bates; Damon Wayan's genius master of malapropisms on the now defunct In Living Color comedy series. The horror! But fear not, I have pulled out the big guns, that's thespian for thesaurus, and I'm getting back in the game. Have an interesting, exciting word you'd like to share? Post it here.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Across the Universe 2007
Across the Universe is a made for film musical centered around the lives of two young lovers; one wealthy American girl falls for one sexy working class Brit. Romance, Vietnam, 60's war protests, riots, race, activism, art, NYC sub-culture and the Beatle's songbook. Heavenly. Anymore, and I'd totally spoil it for you. Like a good book, the simplicity of the themes and characters adds to the breadth and complexity of how it is received by viewers.
Not since La Mama Morta (Philadelphia) and Seasons of Love (Rent) have I been so deeply moved in 3.5 minutes as Carol Woods' gospel version of Let It Be and , NYC's erm...not so finest do an exceptionally well executed and choreographed cover of Come Together. Great film, great soundtrack, no big name Hollywood stars-always a plus for me, they're so overrated. See it, let me know what you think. It's available on Netflix. Already seen it? What did you think? What exceptional films have you seen lately?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My Blog Can Moo, Can You?
Before my blogs, I included Pretty in Peace cards with my shipped orders and to display my on-the-go design portfolio. By dividing them by seasons and adding them to mini accordion albums I'm able to carry my designs with me wherever I go. Now, I just need to leave the house.

I'm excited to see if the inclusion of The Buzz cards drives increased traffic to the Indie art, music and film reviews featured on the site.
I've spaced the features to bi-weekly because I'm just not getting the interviews back in time to edit and publish weekly. If any of you are interested in being featured or have someone you think might be interested, please leave a comment with your/their contact info. Now is, as fine a time as any, you'll/they'll get in on my Moo card experiment and some extra promotion just for answering 3 questions! Peace.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Men, Migraines and, Murderous Thoughts
Monday, September 15, 2008
Itty Bitty Charity Committee

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Shutter Click & Chat 9/14
My Special Book
The Body Shop Team presents: Mamatoto: A Celebration of Birth
Duh!(I published without this)
Shutter Click & Chat 9/21: The Money Shot
Show me your favorite picture of you! Show an old one, take a new one-professional photos are welcome. I want to see 'em all!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Unspectacular Me
1. I have a humans' tolerance threshold that maxes out at about 4 people. More than that and, I'm no longer at my sparkly best, hence the 2 kids cap. Pets, as I'm quickly discovering, are fair game in larger quantities.

2. In 2005, I quit smoking cold turkey after over a decade of doing so. Caffeine, refined sugars and, carbohydrates I fear I'll need an intervention or ECT to shake.
3. Laundry-yes complete with folding and putting away, cooking and mopping are relaxing to me. These are chores that I enjoy doing, I'd rather itch than do dishes, dust or sweep.
4. Itching is my personal purgatory, I'd sooner undergo natural childbirth again than itch over more than a square inch or two of my body. I'm still not right after contracting the chickenpox at age 17!

6. In 200+ posts I have never gotten it right the first time. By the time you guys see my posts, I have read, re-read, edited, did whatever it is I do that makes the fonts shrink, fixed it, cursed it and done it again. I hope you appreciate the hard work. Laughs.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Random Thought: Raggedy Ann, Andy and Holly Hobbie
photo credits: www.liveandlearn.com,http://www.flickr.com/photos/hellomorning
I showed Yael a picture, she wasn't impressed. "Oh yeah, kinda like my Super Size Groovy Girl but not...they're like funny looking," she says. Sigh, crickets, blank stare, head tilts to the right as eyebrows are raised...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Taking Care of Business
It's been a long day in front of the computer so today's post will be short and sweet. Pretty in Peace has crossed the pond! Last night, I signed up on DaWanda. It was one part motivation and two parts consternation following an exchange with my current host site that can best be described as buffoonery. I'm not looking to buy a yacht, but after yesterday's insanity I hope to at least recover the co-pay for my therapist! So, I opened with the four items I'd planned to list today.
I'm pleased with the site thus far; I saw some familiar faces, pricing is reasonable, and I get to watch the decline of the American dollar with each currency conversion. I'm somewhat dismayed with their banner template, but the pros outweigh the cons. It seems they allow a maximum banner size of 720 x 200 but have a Texas sized space outlined leaving your banner to float. For now, it'll have to do. Actually, this post and a subtle throbbing in my left temple is all that is keeping me from tweaking it! If you're in the area, stop by and say, "Namaste".
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Update on Lupe

Monday, September 8, 2008
Welcome Lupe!
What the? Um, yeah...that is the underside of an automobile! Some time shortly after the local schools let out this little guy/gal (still uncertain) ended up under our car! Thankfully our neighbors' children spotted him. He was clearly overheated, frightened and exhausted. He was wheezing and panting heavily, but still too afraid to take me up on my offer of iced water. I had to scootch under and place it right next to him.
A short time later, I made these posters and Favorite Guy put them up around our subdivision, but still no calls. He's/She's pretty old and as much as I'm hoping my suspicions are wrong I'm beginning to think someone abandoned him/her.
I gave her a bath and the cats don't seem to mind her much. So, until further notice this funny looking little dog is ours. I named him/her Lupe Fiasco. Laughs. I was under a Nissan in the desert heat, with a cat dish in hand, coaxing a strange Chihuahua to safety, somehow Lupe Fiasco seemed fitting. Welcome to the Honey House Lupe! Peace.
The only person you really have to make happy, Tameka, is you.
Good thing you're so cool -
Today's note from the Universe is pretty cool, huh? Oddly enough, making myself happy is not something I've historically had much luck with. Depression is quite the formidable opponent of sustained happiness. But today was different, although the day isn't over, it's safe to say-random tragedies not withstanding, I've made a conscious decision to be happy today. That my friends, is a start.
I slept in a little later. I wore yesterday's clothes. I let the voicemail get it. I reached over and gently touched the prickly hairs that curiously line my Favorite Guy's face on Mondays. I ate a lollipop, I wrote a letter, I sang out loud and off key, it was Kajagoogoo no less! I kissed my cats, I brushed my daughter's hair and smelled her hemp-oiled scalp. I opened Jordan's door, sniffed and grimaced at his boy-scented room. I wrote a friend, I phoned a friend, I think I've made a friend. I bought stickers. I visited the library. I smiled at a baby, she smiled back quizzically. I ate cake, and then I ate another piece. I made a decision to be happy today. How was your Monday?
Sunday, September 7, 2008
An Awards Ceremony
This Brillante Award was presented by Kate of ShiboriGirl and Kimiko.
This Kind Blogger Award was presented by Jewelry Rockstar
This I Love Your Blog Award was presented by The Blossoming Tree and Casbah Kitten.
Many many thanks, please keep coming back. Peace.
Shutter Click & Chat 9/7
There she was on my way into the office, the window of Andee's Cheapies in NYC's Greenwich Village. She was, and still is mine for five fabulous dollars. I think the best thing about this blouse aside of the gorgeous embroidery, and puffed sleeves is the timelessness of it. It's 2008 and we're still as fun, funky and in love as we were in 1999. What have you got?
PS. I paired her with denim capris and gorgeous Birkenstock Gizehs, who needs a waist! Laughs.
A special book-
It could be anything from your wedding album to something you've written. I want to see and read about your special book.
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Mother's Love and a One-Eyed Viking God

A few paragraphs later, we come across the story of Odin, God of Wisdom, father of the all powerful Thor. Odin it would seem, gave his eye for a sip from the Spring of Wisdom. As I read this aloud Yael quizzically comments, "He gave away his eye for a drink?". "Not just a drink", I say. Read it again. She reads it and looks back at me like, "What's your point?" I explain and, rather histrionically I might add; arms flailing and all. "Wisdom is huge. Especially, following the Ancient Greeks and Romans. To be wise, learned, sage, a scholar-all of this is greatly important. Yes, important enough to Odin that he'd rather have one eye than be without it". She gives a wide-eyed, understanding nod and says excitedly. "Oh, like the way you'd give away your eyes for me and daddy and Jordan because, we're so important to you?!" Following a deep breath and the restoration of my composure, I reply, "Yes Yael, exactly like that".
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Random Thought: Hey Dad, about those apologies...
My dad was quite the communicator, he had a way of-albeit an insufferably long winded way, getting to the very craw of a matter. He taught me about grace and diplomacy, he taught me how to apologize, how and when to accept one. Like all dynamic duos, my mother sat at the other side of the helm doling the dish on how to take anyone down at the knees with a stern glare and a dose of well timed vitriol-she's a whole other post.
I discovered early on that I do not like to apologize, I'd rather itch. With that discovery, I made a conscious decision to a. Listen more, speak less b. Overthink everything to the point of being too exhausted to speak at all. It works. It may not be practical, but seldom do I have to stammer over to some sullen faced human with my shoulders slumped and my eyelids low to mutter those words, you know the ones.
I also learned oftentimes what people offer apology for and wish to be excused from, has little to do with the person they've allegedly wronged. They want, and often need a get out of jail free card. Whether they're being held by guilt or remorse, it is they who are being held. Playground psychology, if you will. I don't think we ever get past the time our parent-along with some other equally embarrassed parent, forcibly brought us forward, to confront someone whom we probably felt quite justified in maiming, for the symbolic truce; a vacillatory, "Sorry." A reluctant shaking of hands and a Machiavellian grin. You may or may not still get the snot beat out of you when you get home. (That might explain what all the playground pugilism was about in the first place).
I guess what I'm thinking is, what really is the point of an apology if you're not sorry? And further, why must we accept one simply because it has been offered? Why the pressure? Suffice it to say, I've yet to end or reconcile any ties based on the concept of an apology. Even when the sincerity is present, some things will fix themselves and others, well others just aren't meant to be fixed. I wonder what my dad would say. And you, what are your thoughts?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
200th Post Dance Party

You Are Disco Dancing |
![]() You are very energetic and lively. You could dance all night. |