Sunday, August 31, 2008
Shutter Click & Chat 8/31

Friday, August 29, 2008
Random Fodder
Things have been a bit complex at the Hive lately and I'm feeling the burn for vacation, intoxication, and inspiration-in that order. Before I maimed our Wyndham resort catalogs for the 16 ACEO Swap-Bot challenge, I came across some interesting prospects for road trip getaways. The Favorite Guy- in need of a vacation as well, obliged and said, "Get busy, plan something". Instead, I'm here whining. Why do I do that? I'll tell you why, because this is my blog and I can. Plus, it's post 197! Gotcha! Laughs. Peace.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A Meme of My Own
Damn You Duffy!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Coming Up Roses...I Mean Daisies

Today began with the imminent threat of disaster, we were out of coffee! Favorite guy quickly intercepted with a trip to the store where he also scored the gorgeous bright orange Gerbera daisies you see above. I didn't hit the yoga mat, as much as I wanted (and needed) to, I just couldn't get up the drive. I do however, still have tomorrow since the leftover Chinese went over without incident. In all, today was a much clearer, forward-thinking day than yesterday. I'm proud of myself. Any deviation from "The Plan" generally brings on a toddler-like primal emotional response, and that didn't happen. No groaning, no pouting, if I could manifest the thoughts and emotion in physical reaction, I'd say I straightened my crumpled collar, gently brushed errant hairs from my eyes and rather assertively walked away. I feel good, very good.
Ending relationships has that same dichotomy of trauma and triumph that I experienced with the wretched, rectum-altering experience that is natural childbirth. Relationships grow and grow and grow, and almost inevitably you reach a point where the two of you intrinsically know it's time to separate. What ensues is an agonizing, expletive-laden process of pushing and pulling. Ultimately, you're torn apart and with one last deep breath and guttural vociferation, you've a new beginning.
Relationships are complex, sensibilities-cannibalizing drags for introverts. Much like growing teeth, and the presence of pinkies, they are evolutionary glitches. At once uncomfortable and unnecessary, but we're stuck with them. With that all figured out, I leave you the morsel above and a reminder that quality trumps quantity. Peace.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Day the Game Changed
When I was about Yael's age, nine-my dad and I used to have conversations where I-according to him, would intrigue him with my insightful perceptions of human behavior. I was always more of an observer than a contributor and much preferred adults to children. The adults had so much more to offer in terms of observation; the kids laughed or cried with sporadic hints of contentment. But the adults, they did all of those things plus, they lied and cheated and swore and even entered altered states of consciousness at times. A few too many times, but that's a whole other jeremiad. It was swell for a while, these times I shared with him, but as I grew older and more finely tuned intuitively, I discovered things I wish I'd never about my parents and their relationship, their peers and honestly about just about everyone in one way or another.
These days- much as a result of those findings, I come upon relationships with great trepidation. While I prefer children to adults, and cats to children-at the very core of my triune brain, I'm part of some overly complex social reptilian-mammalian tribe so, suffer I must. Making nice with the humans is part of the game. Well, then I ask, why is there no instruction booklet for the damn game? Like, okay, I pull out...I don't know, let's call the game "Concern". We've been playing this game for a while. Certainly we've been playing the game long enough for you to know the rules of the game and hopefully, unless you've fallen victim to some tragic frontal lobe damage-you do know it is Concern we've been playing all along. Follow? Okay, so I move my game piece. Sings. You move your game piece. Sings and then stops abruptly. "Well, why are you moving counterclockwise"? I ask. Then, you completely fucking lose it and tell me, "Well, because that's how you play "Animosity!", you didn't know? Gulps. Well, I guess not.
I'm going to play "Catch the Cat-nip Filled Cannoli" with my cats and wait for my intestines to give me the yay or nay on the leftover Chinese. If it is my last meal, it was pretty damn good. If not, then I'll start my tomorrow with yoga, a smile and a lesson learned. Peace. Oh wait, hang on...Mr. Rogers' song enters brain stage right. Sings. "I'll start the day tomorrow with a smile -for-you..."
Sunday, August 24, 2008
At Home on the House

And from this groove came the groove of all grooves.
And while one day viciously throwing down on his box, Jack boldy declared,
"Let there be HOUSE!"
and house music was born.
"I am, you see,
I am
the creator, and this is my house!
And, in my house there is ONLY house music.
But, I am not so selfish because once you enter my house it then becomes OUR house and OUR house music!"
And, you see, no one man owns house because house music is a universal language, spoken and understood by all.
You see, house is a feeling that no one can understand really unless you're deep into the vibe of house.
House is an uncontrollable desire to jack your body.
And, as I told you before, this is our house and our house music.
And in every house, you understand, there is a keeper.
And, in this house, the keeper is Jack.
Now some of you who might wonder,
"Who is Jack, and what is it that Jack does?"
Jack is the one who gives you the power to jack your body!
Jack is the one who gives you the power to do the snake.
Jack is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm.
Jack is the one who learns you how to walk your body.
Jack is the one that can bring nations and nations of all Jackers together under one house.
You may be black, you may be white; you may be Jew or Gentile. It don't make a difference in OUR House.
And this is fresh.
For those who are unfamiliar with House Music, the above is the House Music Pledge of allegiance if you will. It is the credo of all who enjoy House Music, it is our only commonality, it is rather awesome.
House music is essentially (per me because, this is my blog) a fusion of African rhythms layered with jazzy horns and entrancing bass lines. Vocals, when present, range from light Euro-pop girls to Griot like chanting and spoken word to goose bump inducing gospel-esque "blowing", and it's still all House.

All in all it was another fabulous evening, special thanks and good luck wishes to the folks behind Unity; Ruben, Raul, Byron and Ruben's lovely dancing wife. Laughs. Ruben a founder of the Unity party, which he calls, "a work in progress", conceded, "he felt a need for something like this here". There is a need everywhere for Unity and the overall House experience, further success is in the journey not the destination, life is but a work in progress.
"No dress code. No attitudes. No cover. Just dope music". Thanks for bringing us home on the house, guys. And of course, a very special thanks and round of applause for my Favorite Guy without your stellar performance at the helm I would not feel like I wrestled a semi today. Laughs. Peace.
The recorded version of the evening's sets will are available on next dimension music . Enjoy.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Oh no the hell you didn't!
Unfathomable, the degree of caffeinated beverage consumption required to withstand the squawking of an entire nation as they debate my husband's qualifications, intentions, religious affiliations, ethnicity, integrity, and more. Insanity would surely ensue. Do you remember when Wendy Williams drove Whitney's train off the track?! Tsk tsk, ugly, ugly. So, with that being said if you know what's good for you, you'll keep that woman's husband's name out your mouth! And know you will surely need prayer if you start messing with them children! Laughs...
I'm taking the weekend off-I think...I'll see. There's still time to try the Meganame Generator and enter to win some cool promotional goodies care of Tea & Honey Bread and next dimension music. Mind your manners and shush your mouth.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
No Schmates for this 71% Diva!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Take 5 Tuesday August 19, 2008 and more...
1. 5 things you're good at.
-Writing/Blogging (see below)
-Remembering names and faces (and a good thing since I'm geographically inept)
-Retaining information
-Party planning
-Likening humans to animals (long story-just trust me)
2. 5 things you wish you could say to someone.
-"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."
-"At some point you're going to have to stop planning and start acting"
-"I understand the point you're trying to make, but I still feel it isn't a point worth making."
-"For every finger you point three point back at you, that is something for you to consider."
-" Who are you when no one else is around?"
3. 5 times you can't help but smile.
-People watching, especially little people
-Watching Joe spin
-Watching my children interact with their peers
-Reflecting on the things I say and do while angry
-Talking to my cats and having them "talk" back
4. 5 things you do for fun.

-Watch documentaries on different cultures in far off lands
-Mixed media collage
-Vintage/Thrift shopping
-Talk to Jordan (teenagers: weird but interesting)
-Lurk/post on the Etsy fora
5.5 CDs you own.
My most recent purchases include:
-Rhythms del Mundo Cuba by Various Artists Featuring Ibrahim Ferrer & Omara Portuondo
-The Orchard by Lizz Wright
-Across The Pond by Various Artists
- This Kind of Love by Carly Simon
-Hear Music Opus Collection presents John Lennon
And now...

Monday, August 18, 2008
A broad by any other name...
Tameka Allen-Mercado's Aliases |
![]() Your fashion designer name is Tameka Brussels Your socialite name is Bucky New York City Your fly girl / guy name is T All Your detective name is Cat Homeschool Your barfly name is Donut Beer Your soap opera name is Broadway Your rock star name is Take5 Airplane Your Star Wars name is Tamanj Allvin Your punk rock band name is The Bored Nipple Clips |
Saturday, August 16, 2008
When I was a girl...
This evening while home alone, the usual-the little people are people people. I furtively scanned through the channels of our paid for and seldom enjoyed DirectTV. I found The Omen. The Omen has topped my list as the scariest movie I've ever seen for years. This movie's score-y'know the eery opera thing, had me afraid to flush the toilet at night even after I was living on my own! So anyway, it was already an hour in, but being the big girl that I am and after years of therapy on how to assert myself and face my fears, I said what the hell. And, as luck would have it, it was a two for one deal. It was on The Chiller channel. Do you remember Chiller?
Friday, August 15, 2008
Right Said Fred
Photos courtesy of The Improper, click pics for more disturbing details.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Namaste Art Swap
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Little People are Funny!
Here are two mixed media pieces I've recently completed, they are the first in a series of works centered around images of children. There's nothing like creating what you love and loving what you've created.
This is my niece K'maia (Laughs) my sister, her mom is deep in the perils of pilfering toddlerhood. The last few times we've spoken, through bated breath she repeatedly murmured something about being driven, "crazy". This is my artistic interpretation of her suffering.

These guys are probably about my age now judging from the wingspan of their collars! I picked this photo up while Favorite Guy and I were out and about in Phoenix's Historic District. I was laughing as soon as I lifted it from the bin of vintage photos. Did I mention that poorly behaved children-not my own of course, make me insurmountably giddy? Prints of this ACEO are available here.
Children are appealing because they are children, period. New. Eager. Alive. Open. And they haven't done anything really awful to their eyebrows yet. -Lenore Skenazy
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Artists, The Oldest Profession
I thought about it today after I sold a piece of art that was nearing its listing expiration in my Etsy shop. (Pauses for applause) I sell my wearable designs daily, but jewelry is similar to baking for me as you have far fewer opportunities to veer from the beaten path. As many opportunities to botch it, but so few are the opportunities to really create something no one else has tried. Visual art encompasses so much more room for expression and interpretation, y'know like sex. So when I put my foot (Old world Southern expression for exceptional effort.) into a piece of work that sits idly, it's like putting on your see through stilettos (boy or girl) with your, I don't know-whatever kind of uncomfortable undergarments Johns like and, hitting the strip only to come home with nothing. Here's to peanut butter on a spoon for dinner: a do-over.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A beautiful weekend...a peaceful beginning

Following the inspiration that is Somerset Studio, I worked on some projects of my own. One being the Namaste Swap project that I try only to work on when I am in good spirits. I want to convey the energy of Namaste through my creation, not the fury of Kali. Creating a piece for an artist whose work I've purchased has been a blessing and a curse. There are few areas of the left brained world that escape me, but the right hemisphere is much less traveled. This endeavor has come to mean so much more now that it combines the physical, spiritual, courageous and fearful, the humble and proud. It isn't easy to step so far out of your comfort zone, but the air is fresh, trust me. Winks.

Friday, August 8, 2008
Brillante Weblog Award
The rules once you receive an award are:
Put the logo on your blog.
Be sure to add the link from the person that sent it to you.
Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
Be sure to add those links to your blog
Leave a comment on their blog so they know they are nominated.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Peace, Unity, Love and Having Fun
I mentioned previously that I had joined Swap-bot, well while putting together my findings in a Musical Scavenger Hunt Swap I rediscovered my Hear Music collection. Hear Music are the genius distribution company behind those great, yet rumored soon to be no more Starbucks music selections. I hate to see them doing so poorly, but their last ditch efforts at preserving the legacy are making me dance a very happy, much less expensive dance-to the tune of $7.95. Right now, I'm listening to Something to Believe In, it includes songs by Nina Simone, Otis Redding, Ray Charles, Billie Holiday and Curtis Mayfield; the kids are not thrilled...at all. Wait until Carly Simon and the others arrive, did I mention ground shipping for 3 CDs was $3.99. Here's another Hyperlink for you, let me know what you choose. Peace and music.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
"I danced the macarena"...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Take 5 Tuesday August 5, 2008
1. 5 things I like about county fairs/festivals
-cotton candy
-giant lollipops
-funnel cakes
-those penny flattening machines
-happy, laughing, screaming children
2. 5 things I take with me when I leave the house
3. 5 of my favorite days of the year
5. 5 of my favorite places to shop
Holy Chicken Shit!
Let me preface this by saying I'm not a fear preaching hate monger, so if that is what you came here looking for pursuant to your google or other search engine search, hit the back button and exit stage left.

As native New Yorkers, we are familiar with the many Judeo Christian holidays observed in the tri-state area. These same holidays aren't observed in other areas, matter of fact, Jewish religious holiday observances seem nil here in Arizona. As more and more residents of the (gulp) Land of the Free are engaging new philosophies and embracing (shudder) religious and cultural diversity doesn't it make sense that our business models and practices evolve as well? Did I miss the non-Christian disclaimer? And please don't burden me with the "This nation was founded on Christian principles" argument unless you can point me to the exact passages in the good book where it reads, "Thou shalt not kill unless"...
Yes, it's the working man's day, but really-who honestly cares about Labor Day other than it's the last 3 day weekend for a while unless you're lucky enough to get the Friday after Thanksgiving off. Leftovers Friday, it's what makes America America. If your feathers are ruffled with Tyson foods, why not really make a difference. Wink.
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Anniversary Booty!

Favorite guy and I are the cool NEW! owners of these magical micro studs from Cherry Creek Designs on Etsy. Not only is Heather a talented artisan, but she is local; right here in Arizona.
This is the project that almost cost me my wings. So, the pic in the center that is a scanned image of our marriage license; our yellowing, cracking, very sad looking license. (Get with the archival papers and inks please.) Well, I scanned it and fused it to a most lovely tea stained linen, stitched some other lovely patches of fabric with niceties about love on them and just as I was stitching it into the folder I designed to house it, the sewing machine jammed, I cursed mashed the pedal and broke the needle. I digress, so the pic in the center is a scanned image of our license flipped in Picnik and printed on the reverse side of some pretty awesome leftover vellum that my cats hadn't chewed the corners of. Joe loved it anyway!
More goodies: The vintage figurine was another Etsy purchase. Joe and I are 70's kids so this was quite an exciting find. Just below her is my gorgeous crystal bee from the coolest little Antiques mall in Phoenix. Favorite guy bought me some fancy sunflowers too. Don't you just love the macro? And, this bee print was another Antiques mall lovely. There are a few nicks in the frame that I can sand and stain, but otherwise it's a fine addition my workspace.
All in all we really had it all before the dining and shopping, but goodies are fun. Again, thanks for all of your well wishes and heartfelt words of advice. Peace.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Allegory of the Hive II

This just in 12:57, I think it's going to be a great week:
You've made a lot of friends throughout your life, Tameka, and you'll be making a lot more. You can be very proud of this. But you can safely multiply that number by 7 to reveal the minimum number of secret admirers who've loved you from afar; by 100 to approximate the minimum number of people you've inspired; and by 10,000 to uncover the least number of lives yours has improved. And this... I'm very proud of.
Friday, August 1, 2008
We've Done It Again

I'm primping and reflecting on the magic and madness of marital bliss. Tomorrow marks our seventeenth year of marriage; it's beautifully mind boggling given the roads we've traveled. Neither of us come from sparkly Dr. Sears-like upbringings. And, our parents, while, they may have watched the Cleavers' they certainly didn't aspire to live like them. What I'm getting at is, Joe and I essentially built the road we travel and, with very meager tools and teachings.
I watched that reality show once; The Amazing Race, it was during the couples' season. It's the closest physical representation of our marriage that I could use as a springboard for this post.
Some days we've got the maps out, feverishly bumbling about trying to find our way out of one phase and into another. Other days we're victorious, it's those days we're able to recover, process and strategize before the next detour. I get choked up just writing this; we have been tragically lost at times; desperate and even hopeless. And, just like the participants, you vacillate between quitting and sparing yourself the uncertainty, disappointment and shame of losing and, risking it all and just believing in yourself and this other equally lost and clueless person. Some days admittedly, the thought of beating them to death and burying them along the trail seems a viable option. Had I not watched more, exponentially more episodes of Forensic Files than that race show, I might've considered that route a few times. Laughs.
The good thing, like all races, marathons and our marriage is this point we're at right now; the big win, another anniversary, our very own ticker-tape parade. Tomorrow is all about bells, whistles, fine dining and wine (beer for me); a reprieve. A day of rest and reflection before we go back to training and lacing up our shoes for another 365 days on the course. Perhaps we'll move a bit faster this year. While we're still looking lovely as ever, it appears we're not burning as many calories as we once were. And, what's that in our hair you ask? Oh, um it's uh...confetti. Yeah that's what it is, silver confetti!