I went out for a walk to settle the upset of my most recent bout with people drunkenness and happened upon this abandoned bouquet of wildflowers. So much for settling as I've spent the past two days trying to piece their story together, as well as wishing I'd have been of the quick, clear-thinking mind to scoop them up and enjoy them as a gift to me, from the Universe. What do you think their untold story is?
Peace and quiet
Hmmm... they simply make me smile - thinking about my daughter's hands full of a colorful bouquet, fast forward to the inside of my car where some lay in the dashboard =).
these seem so thoughtfully chosen - i hope they do not have a sad story... like being thrown down in anger... hopefully they were picked by a child, who then got distracted and dropped them... they certainly are beautiful... hope your weather is kind and you can try to get re-centered... sorry to hear about your hangover... makes you just as sick to your stomach, if not more, than one induced by imbibing too much...
A kid picked them for his or her mom and was told "those are only a bunch of weeds".
I was told the same thing when I picked wild flowers to put in a glass on my kitchen table when I lived in Texas, but I didn't listen nor did I care and kept picking them.
It makes me think of how we are so careless with beauty. That we seek it and want it and...even demand it. But then we tire of it and we throw it away.
they're probably got tossed but was meant to be there to lighten up someone's day.
My immediate reaction was one of sadness for the picker and the picked. Beauty is so carelessly coveted, I agree with you Blackbelt.
It seems like they were dropped, rather than thrown. I'd go with distraction rather than ditching them in anger. Seems like someone picked them, then remembered something and had to run home, maybe?
It seems a shame to have abandoned them. The plants worked so hard to produce them they should have been enjoyed in a beautiful vase for a few days.
Ah, well. At least you kept a picture of them. :)
They are still beautiful for others to bump into and enjoy. And thank you, we share in the pretty.
...she carefully chose each and every stem with reckless abandon and then she heard her friends shout "your turn" as they were in the midst of a furious game of jump rope. The bouquet was then dropped for another love.
That is what I think, flowers are like that, and then as they fade, life takes on new meaning. All so fast, so furious and fleeting.
love that wee bunch of color and happiness, even if short lived.
'I wanted to give yu the bouquet but I forgot to put on the other pair of jeans. The ones with the bigger back pocket.' :-)
Greetings from London.
I think they were picked by a woman who loved them and gathered and arranged them while on a walk. Maybe once she was done or close to her destination she just dropped them. Maybe there was a disgusting bug and she loves flowers but not bugs. She probably got home and told someone, "I picked the most beautiful flowers and there was the HUGS bug" and the person will say "Did you drop them" and she'll say "Uh huh" (in the tone of...you know I did.) So even though she doesn't have her flowers she has the pleasure of knowing that she is known.
my immediate thought was also that they were picked out of admiration, then simply discarded once the picker was satisfied with her/his flower picking/arrangement abilities.
yep. i agree with blackbelt, too.
Dialogue before they were tossed on the ground "Okay Sally, you don't want my flowers fine!!!! Have a good life with old what's his name. grrrr."
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