Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day One: Gaining Perspective

Day One: Pink, because pink is better than grey!

And now for the fine print...

I realized something this morning as I weighed my To do list against my To Wear plan-my day to day doings don't exactly loan themselves well to fashion. Take today for instance:

To Do: Water Beau's memorial garden also known as the-only-foliage-I haven't-killed, and make the house front Valentine's Day ready. Done.

Organize the garage and clean the kitchen. Laughs. Okay...okay, I did however manage to bathe the dog and get all of the laundry and vacuuming done in something other than my bleach-stained grey tee, headscarf and raggedy shorts. Not too shabby for the first day.

Total time allotted for personal appearance? Well, that depends on whether or not I count the time I spent thinking about how silly it was to comb my hair or match my clothing given my to do list. It did however feel good that I didn't have to hide from approaching neighbors since I was "presentable".



Annie Pazoo said...

As much as I love heather gray (and I do, as does DD), and as much as a plain white t is my uniform, that pink TOTALLY rocks on you. (Hmm, DD just reminded me that I'm too old to say "rocks". Or "totally".) Anyway, GREAT color, T!

High Desert Diva said...

Bright colors look great on you!

Skateboarding in the kitchen. *shakes head*

Kathy said...

You look awesome in pink! I just looked in my closet and realized how my gray and black and khaki I do wear. Yes I am quiet and peace loving, and I don't like to draw attention to myself, but I LOVE colors. Next time I buy....I'm thinkin' pink or blue or green or yellow or something other than what I already have a closet full of! Thanks!

Barbara said...

Pretty in Pink! See, now I suddenly feel bad for still being under the covers, hiding from the rain, and having the same "its silly to get dressed and put on makeup to try to stay dry while carrying clothes to the laundry" speech.

We'll see if I can pull myself out of hiding before the end of the day.

Jennifer said...

Your adorable! I totally get it (from the last post), i used to have fun with my clothes, now, largely due to my work too, I wear whatever goes with black slacks, bleh. I usually look a little tired and not very interesting at all. I'll try to join you in this. I will at least follow and be inspired :D

mairedodd said...

you wear pink so well!! and it does kind of perk you up... i hadn't commented the other day, but was going to let you know that i wear grey, brown and olive green... but i am inspired by your post... i threw a cute belt on my jeans (from etsy)...

My Inspired Reality said...

Yay for Pink - you look lovely:)

My wardrobe these past few years has a lot of black - hmmm...methinks time for a change. Thanks for the inspiration:)

Anonymous said...

Pink is a good color for you. I recently bought an orange tanktop with embellishments on it and I love it. I too have a primary earth tone wardrobe and I admit that it's a bit boring.

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