Some back story: A couple weeks ago Yael Rose and I were sitting in the target food court eating pretzels when the Slurpee machine service man entered. He begins the process of filling the vats with the stuff that makes your children look cyanotic or like they've recently been exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide. Yael looks on intrigued (or just in anticipation of a sugar high) and says, "Wow, he did that really fast, he's a professional". I scoffed, but quickly recanted and said, "Yes, you're right. He's really good at his job, I'm sure he trained well and had lots of practice."
This brings me to my current, long-lived plight with my first self-published project: the zine from hell. Well, maybe not hell, but somewhere deep in the underbelly. Today marks my 500th blog post, I've almost 200 followers, I know the alphabet backwards and forwards and I don't even have to sing it. Why can't I get this damn zine done?! I'll tell you why, I am not a professional zinester. What I am is a professional, thinks-she-can-do-everything-perfect-the-very-first-time-and-will-die-if-she-doesn't-er. Are you a professional too? Oh what?!
Peace, patience and practice makes perfect-maybe not a zine, but you'll be perfect at something...