No, no, no, I'm not going to rant about the imminent eradication of rabbit ears-or whatever the whole deal is with converting our televisions. Seriously, I'm clueless as to what old dude in the commercial is even talking about. I have a different dilemma.

Last night, Favorite Guy and I- and then just me because I live a life of excess, watched several back to back episodes of Sex Change Hospital. I pass no judgment as to why anyone fortunate enough to have skipped the perils of the pussy would want one. But I'm telling you, I think the show (or the cup of dark coffee, Raisinets and handful of wasabi soy almonds at 12:00 am whilst glued to watching said show) did something to me. I woke up this morning like a rabid, hungry, homicidal beast. I have been in a foul mood all day. Exacerbated only by this uncontrollable hunger! Perhaps I should kick someone's ass. If nothing else, I'd burn off some of the shit I've eaten.
So, um yeah, stay away from Hormonal Disasters Television-that's my tip for today folks. Carry on, there's nothing to see here. But seriously, what is this converter box business?
"Sex Change Hospital" Dahell is that?
Please educate.
Love the blog, btw.
Hahahaha. Keep away from those snacks lady, save it for Fat Tuesdays. I completely forgot about that show too, I gotta check it out... but only after I lock up the fridge =)
Hmm, I have never heard of this show. Now I am curious. Sadly I don't even know if I have this channel. And what is the correlation between this show and your hunger? That is the real question.
raisinets...and wasabi soy? Whoa! Sounds interesting actually - lol.
Ha! I've never even heard of this show.
Hope you're feeling less homicidal now...
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn, you're a nut. And Sex Change Hospital? The hell? What channel is that on?!
I must have undergone some sympathetic hormonal upheaval-I'm attributing the weird food combo to estrogen and the anger to testosterone.
The show is actually very very inspiring-not that I'm thinking of going the way of the gonad, but I admire anyone who dares to be their true self, at whatever cost.
now that i've picked myself up off the floor from laughing at "perils of the pussy"....
i for one am rebelling against this whole tv conversion stuff. i mean dang. me, my rabbit ears, and 6 or so (clearly showing) channels have been doing just fine. last thing i need is to dish out loot for a new tv or cable. and the box is out of the question. don't even want it in my house. maybe i'm paranoid.
There is a reason why we don't have cable TV at our house. And when those converter boxes come, I just may switch back to radio.
I have never heard of this show. How funny and interesting! I wonder if we have that channel. . .
I do have a feeling that the snack foods are as much to blame as the show! That's a lot of stress on your digestive system when your body should be resting....
That's one reason I'm trying to reform my old night owl ways....too much crazy snacking late at night is what put my weight on!
BaaaaHaaaaa!!! Oh, damn you are cracking me up. I heard of this show but since we stopped some of our cable service we are pretty much stuck with PBS.
I love you honesty and your humor.
This is a new one to me, but I'll bet it was the wasabi and chocolate covered, caffeine double dose.
Love your blog! Making me laugh. :-)
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