Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Meme of My Own

Mama may have, Papa may have but,
God bless the child that's got his own-Billie Holiday

After a few weeks of playing the waiting game and chasing The Daily Meme I decided it was time to start my own. What is a meme? The skinny is this; a meme is a fun tool for those of us who have, on more than one occasion sat at their writing stations and come up with nothing. Nothing but a throbbing temple and drool. It is a fun way to spread cheer throughout the blogosphere while masking a dull day. It is also a way of luring those who only like pretty pictures and giveaway blogs into my verbose and visceral trenches under the guise of a FUN! weekly get-together. Insert evil laughter.

The spiel? Shutter Click & Chat Sundays: one pic, as few or as many words as you wish, and a link for me to check it out. The fine print? I get to choose the subject matter-I'm bossy, sue me. Ready? Now, generally I'll provide the subject matter on Sunday alongside the previous week's entry, but for the first one, Wednesday evening will suffice.With a full week's notice you can plan ahead and even schedule your post, how cool is that?! Are you in? Better yet, will you try to be in, but can't really make any promises because the last thing you want to do some weeks is schlep around looking for shit to take pictures of? Well, that works too! Winks.

Shutter Click & Chat
8/31: Your favorite pair of shoes


Unknown said...

"It is a fun way to spread cheer throughout the blogosphere while masking a dull day."

great way to put it.

ok. i'm in. so i've got til next wednesday to post this first one? you know i'm slow, right? ha!

Anonymous said...

Tameka, Well my FAVORITE pair of shoes are no longer with us. I wore them out loving them. Maybe I'll sketch them! ; )

I am through sulking and got back down in my basement studio. Made myself a necklace. Felt good....

Tess Kincaid said...

You have so many blogs, I couldn't decide where to leave a comment! :) Thanks for stopping by my place today! Hope to see you again very soon.

Since I've gotten older, my feet have become so sensitive! I find a pair of shoes that feel good and wear them every day of my life until they literally fall apart. What happened to my stylish feet days? I have shelves of unworn, cute shoes!

Willow x o

T.Allen said...

Tie-Sunday is the first-next week you get a whole week, sorry! :) You can do it I believe in you...

Good for you Cecile! I have a few favorites, not sure which ones I'm going to take a pic of yet...

Willow,I used to wear different shoes everyday and prided myself on not repeating shoes in a work week, month etc. Now, I have workout shoes and errands shoes...all of the others are sitting atop my closet talking about me or something! :)

Mequet said...

I'm in. Hey, and thanks for your advice about my "situation". I'm still sitting on that email, waiting till I cool off. On Sunday, there will be shoes!!!!

Barbara said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your presence. Cool meme idea. Pictures are always fun. I might have to join in on the chat.

Jewelry Rockstar said...

Hi, Congrats! You have won an award over at my blog!!!

High Desert Diva said...

Fun idea.....

Hmmm....I do a shadow shot thing on Sundays...let me ponder this one

Unknown said...

my Shutter click & chat sundays post is up

T.Allen said...

You rock!! Thanks...

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