Sings, "Happy blogoversary to me, happy blogoversary to me, happy blogoversary (This is the part where it gets cacophonous, yes? ) Tea and Honey Bread, (Someone has undoubtedly said, "Tameka", or some other such variation.) happy blogoversary to me! And, many more".
Today is my blogoversary, go me! I've been pecking away at this blog for 3 whole years, that's pretty damn admirable for me, who generally loses interest after eight days. Not the writing, because I've always written- there's always something in my head that warrants writing-but the community, the effort, the photos. Blogging is life altering.
Before Tea & Honey Bread, I didn't photograph my dinners, insects, art projects or unsuspecting strangers. I talked at film and television, not about it. I pondered my existence (and that of the asshole) in silence and solitude. But, three years ago-that all changed.
I blog to differ.
I blog in wonder.
I blog to encourage and inspire.
I blog because I exist.
I blog because you came and continue to come back, even when I've clearly angered and/or confused you. Thank you.
Peace and love
yay, happy blogaversary! love reading your blog!
Happy Blogaversary! and many more!!!!
happy blogaversary!! 3 years is such an accomplishment... i admire your words and thoughts...
Three years of T. Here's to many more.
I just had my 1000 post. How the heck did that happen? I don't even like to write...
I hope you never lose interest! I enjoy returning to your blog on a regular basis! Happy Blogversary!!!
I hope you never lose interest! I enjoy returning to your blog on a regular basis! Happy Blogversary!!!
Happy blogoversary to you!
Happy blogaversary and it is life altering isn't it.
Happy Blogaversary friend!! See, its because of Tea and Honey Bread that I can now call you my friend :). I am thankful for that privilege. I enjoy staying for the tea, and I enjoy all of the Ohhh Honey chile, let me tell yous. I enjoy all that is Tea and Honey Bread, and all that is YOU my friend.
To many more years... and um... zines :)
Happy, Happy Tameka, We love you being here!
Happy blogoversary. I know I'm late and funny enough, I missed my own which is only two days after yours. I can't believe I've been at it for two years. Time flies!
and it is much appreciated.
thank YOU!
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