Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm being sensitive...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
40 Day Challenge (revised)
My initial reaction was my usual initial reaction; the bowling ball assumed its familiar place in the center of my throat pressing on whatever it presses to make my temples throb with a feeling of imminent implosion. Then I sighed, closed my eyes, took a deep breath and thought, I lost a bunch of words-a bunch of arduously and meticulously strung words, but words just the same. I felt an immediate tingling throughout, the way one feels when something previously constricting has been released. Like removing your favorite way too small jeans or a gorgeous pair of not so bunion-friendly shoes. Relief.
I was relieved of the need to threaten the inanimate source of my frustrations with bodily harm via expertly, meticulously strung series of expletives. I didn't stomp, flail my arms or roll my eyes so emphatically that I could mentally hear the stretch and pull of the occipital rectus family. I didn't turn green or burst the seams of my already tattered pajamas. I just accepted that perhaps the Universe has something greater in store. Perhaps, it was time I released myself from my electronically tethered existence (as I type this blog post). Perhaps the Favorite Guy will rescue my musings from the trenches and be promoted to Exalted Warrior of the Zineosphere. Who knows what all of this is really about but, I'm making my way through it all with a calm heart.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The 40 Day Challenge Update and more...
The NEW! Challenge begins today. Whilst yammering with a gal pal, I unleashed a bit of hidden genius. It seems her manfriend is unemployed, not actively seeking employment and planning a vacation. Planning a vacation? "Well, isn't he already on vacation", I ask befuddled. She laughs and agrees that this is indeed an interesting philosophy. Well, I gave it some thought after our conversation ended, and I've been living quite loftily myself. Not lofty enough to stay calm and focused for 7 damn minutes- I tried...I tried, but lofty nonetheless. So, I am going to write a list of shit, er I mean important things that I would like...(no room for passivity) that I will complete over the next 30 days hence earning my week long vacation in June.
Did I mention the death of my PC? Oh yeah, that too...I'll have to sketch blog pics until everything has been shuffled around. This is going to be fun, can you just sense the smile in my words?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Shutter Click & Chat 5/17

The absolute cutest: cotton blouse SALE $7, linen shorts SALE $15, denim shorts, SALE $15, Figure flattering jeans SALE $20
Comforter set SALE $44
Not shown: sunglasses $5...keep with me, they are, "the absolute cutest sunglasses", detoxifying face cleanser $6, exfoliating extra moisturizing body soap $6...sighs. You do the math! What would you do with an extra $100?!
Note: Shutter Click & Chat will be on vacation for a few weeks while I wrap up a few pressing projects.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Paste, Drugs and Rock & Roll

While layering away at our papier mache, Yael- growing tired of my Pandora station, commences to tell me about some of her musical taste; starting with Ali & AJ and ending with Lindsay Lohan. I lapsed into a "like-induced coma" somewhere in between awakening as she said, "Lindsay Lohan used to like be kinda cool until she started using drugs". My eyes bulge and the warmth of a proud parent moment fills my belly. Stay with me for a minute in this moment because concurring on what qualifies as cool is an elusive and fleeting phenomenon. And resume..."Oh she uses drugs, does she", I say quizzically. "Yeah, and she sells them too and [my friend] says they gave her freckles". I laughed and went on to explain that while drugs can drastically alter your appearance and judgment, I don't think freckles are a side effect. (Was she selling drugs too?)
Now I'm not one of those parents that gets all indignant about celebrity debacles because I'm the role model here, but the next thing she told me about Little Miss Lohan did it. "Even if she uses drugs, she made one really cool song that I really love". "Oh yeah, what is it"? She pauses my Pandora, goes to YouTube and pulls this up:
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Shutter Click & Chat 5/10
Oooh! Look what I got! I woke up to these beautiful flowers, card and goodies box from the Favorite Guy and former womb dwellers. This is my Mother's Day booty.
This necklace was in my Etsy favorites; a gorgeous sterling and garnet design from Marcus Berkner Jewelry. Isn't it lovely? What's new with you all this fine Sunday morning?
Next week Shutter Click & Chat $100-What would you do with an extra $100, or in my case show me what you did with your extra $100 in about as many minutes. Real Simple poses this ongoing question to its readers, and I thought , hmmm this is good blog fodder-so let's give it a go.
Note to all of the mothers: On this Mother's Day, let us have a moment of what was previously known as silence to remember (at least try) our days of reckless abandon, svelte figures, perky breasts, small purses and intricate time-consuming hairstyles. Observes moment while shooing cats with foot. Done? Okay, now back to the infinitely rewarding richness of our reality. Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I [heart] when a plan comes together...

Jules asked her readers to fill in the blank, one sentence on white paper in black ink. Ambling along these past 3.5 decades has proven one thing to be constant and that is change. I'm changing everyday; more and more I am getting farther away from the past yet further still from the future.

It's time to get back to work. Here are some of my tools basking in the morning sun, waiting for inspiration to strike. They sit patiently in hopes of being fondled and mussed in ink and paint and lacquer. Soon come, my tools, soon come.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Keys & Consciousness
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Lowdown on the Showdown

When all was said and done, my rite of passage rival looked upon the fruit of my now thankfully barren womb, smiled broadly and in a sing songy tone said, "Wow, Jor-dan, you look so-o-o nice". Truth, I was so in the moment, I didn't even gloat. But, now that it's over- blows knuckles and rubs them on victorious chest-I knew he would, and all without compromising his personal style! There's good genes in these here jeans! And hers too, Niqqi looked absolutely gorgeous!

You'll be pleased to know that Joe redeemed himself by being the embarrassing clamber-into-the-limousine-to-get-one-more-shot parent!
Shutter Click & Chat 5/3
The year: 1988

You see, if I'd gone to prom, I certainly would have skipped the taffeta and uncomfortable Dyeables shoes. Not for practical reasons, but because I had to be different. Y'know the only thing teenagers have in common is being (read:thinking) they're different.
And the music, no slow dancing for me, this was actually one of my favorite songs the summer of 1988. I don't think Joe liked it very much, but it was in constant the point where the audio (Gah, an actual cassette) was garbled just at the starting point of the song from repeated rewinding.
Future plans? I wanted-rather, was determined to be Tiggi Clay, a black 80's new wave ensemble signed to a now defunct subsidiary of Motown. Anyone else ever heard of Tiggi Clay?! Yvonne? I later went on to dual major in Biology/Psychology, certainly not for practical reasons...but well, y'know to be different!
What's new?! Show me something, someone new in your life. I've been gone a while and I'd like to get caught up on what's new with you!
Note: I am blogging from a foreign computer, sorry about the absence of Mr. Linky...I'll be visiting everyone soon.