Last Friday I cut my own hair...I "fixed" it on Saturday...I haven't combed it since.
A pox on dude who pulled the doughnut out of his pocket. I had to double take...with one hand on the phone...thumb on the number 9... Please tell me you saw it too.
What else? Oh, despite what I look like in the photo above and now as I type this, I'm a rather astute businessperson, and have spent a better part of the week sounding great in type and on the telephone as I negotiated (read: whored) my way into some pretty exciting ventures for Pretty in Peace. More on those later...
Today I completed a few NEW! pieces for my Holiday 2010-2011 Collection, and managed to squeeze in a few, simpler everyday-wear pieces for a local craft fair. Spins in chair, and giggles as cats run for all of their lives. I made it! Woot!
I saw a good movie...Canadians are um...Canadian. See for yourself, it's called, "Les Sept Jours du Talion" (Seven Days). It's an impressive take of the madness of a vengeful heart...or the heart to avenge madness. You'll have to let me know what you think when you watch it; It's on Netflix streaming.
I wore purple. I bought more Halloween treats, clear nail polish; taught more math and discussed The U.S. Constitution.
I watched a docu-news-something-or-other on Andrea Yates and yelled at the television, my husband noticed something was wrong with me. Hmmp!
And, here I am...on the verge of once again wishing you all a wonderful weekend. I'm going to comb my hair tomorrow, and take pics of all of the new designs I've completed...promise.
I yawned one of those shaky-kneed, arms outstretched, "Oxygen please rescue me from the grip of lethargy" yawns with the sing-songy sigh finale. You know the type, yes? [If you answered no, beat it. If you answered yes, proceed to paragraph two.]
Well, my sing-songy sigh finale sounded JUST like the hook of this song. Instead of going to bed, I had to sing the song, "aaa-aa-da, aaa-aa-da, set'ma somethin' somethin' youuuuu"...Until... "Ha!", I exclaimed with my eyes. "PM Dawn...I remember them!" Yes, I was still exclaiming, clearly I was very excited. It would however be short-lived- intense, but short-lived nonetheless- as the only other person old...er um, musically inclined enough to appreciate the song was asleep.
So, I went to bed with the song on my mind. Today, I figured I'd share my story just in case you found yourself someday, yawning one of those shaky-kneed, arms outstretched, "Oxygen please rescue me from the grip of lethargy" yawns with the sing-songy sigh finale, you'd know-unlike me-that, you are not alone. Oh shit, what have I started?
Have a wonderful weekend, all!
Peace and music
As someone who lives with clinical depression, happiness can oftentimes feel as elusive as calorie-free cake and world peace. There's an overwhelming idealism about the concept, an expectation of something far from reach, something far from real, something incredibly intangible.
Lately, I've been working to change the way I measure my personal happiness, both as a choice and a recovery goal. Stigma to the flames, I've been acknowledging, accepting and treating my illness. Unsurprisingly this decision has and will continue to make some people sick.
In the way that diabetics ration sweets, as a depressive, I've had to restrict my bitterness intake. Chances are I've taken a pill for you, if you've called in the past couple weeks with some suck in your teeth, some roll in your neck, and/or low octave levels in your voice. Not because I don't love you, but because I can't, "nunh uh", not right now.
Y'know, I've never really been much of an emotions juggler. I'm far too feeling for that sort of mental-tasking. Once it's in my hands, I hold on to it, usually far longer than I should. So, for now, I'm giving it back, putting the onus on the owner, banning the bitter, foolery is forbidden-I'm sure there'll be much more where that came from, as I get better at this.
I am Bert |
![]() Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find me lovable - even if I don't love them! I am usually feeling: Logical - I rarely let my emotions rule. I am famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil. How I live my life: With passion, even if my odd passions are baffling to others. |