The Baking: I have a bone to pick with Alton Brown and his flour free coconut macaroons, they were tasty but more candy than cookie consistency and not at all aesthetically pleasing enough for cookie tray presentation. I had to ditch the first batch, add some flour and try again. The chocolate crinkles on the other hand were a hit!
The Cooking: Blood alcohol level notwithstanding everything was delicious. Rave reviews from the carnivores on the taramosalata (I didn't cheat-I wanted to though) lemon chicken and potatoes which tends to worry me since I prepare meat dishes without tasting them myself. "Spin"akopita, and the veggie moussaka (I totally should've taken pictures of the layers.) equally awesome. My veggie moussaka has the power to convert carnivores. Believe me. Considers e-mailing guest for testimonials.
2. Santa does not wrap presents here. Instead he opens them and plays with them all over the family room. The children awaken to Christmas already in progress. As a child, my Barbie's were often posed on new bike pedals, in plants or as players alongside new board games! Santa was/is exceptionally creative!
Yes, those are Mr. Potato Head's yellow glasses.Yael wore them frequently in 2001-2002.
3. In over two decades of peeking, shaking and fondling wrapped presents, the only thing I ever actually figured out was a navel ring Favorite Guy hung in the tree during Christmas of 1994.
4. Every Christmas has a color scheme theme, down to the wrapping paper. It helps keep me sane amongst the insanity of the season.
5. My favorite Christmas songs are Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Gloria in excelsis Deo, Happy Christmas (War is Over), Baby It's Cold Outside...although, that one is a bit..er um-secular! I'm partial to the Ray Charles and Betty Carter Version-it's sexy!
This was FUN! I'm not going to interrupt any one's baking or last minute shopping by tagging. If you are so inclined to play along, have at it and, let me know where to find you. Happy holidays.
My sweet Biju is always under the tree and up to no good. Edna takes her place atop this year's silver tree. Our makeshift mantel. Smiles and winks Charmaine. Some of the Christmas booty, the stuff in the polka dot kraft paper is mine, from the favorite guy. Yay! I shook them, smelled them and, fondled them shamelessly. My best guesses are; a book/magazine (Somerset Studio), butter cookies in a tin on top of something heavy in a box and, something really heavy in a rectangular box. A hammer?! Laughs.
The next time we meet for Shutter Click & Chat, it'll be our last round for 2008! We've got to go out with a bang-or just a really good shot! It's up to you, just make it awesome!
Shutter Click & Chat 12/28: Awesome! Show me something end of the year awesome!
First, they make their way 1000 miles through the desert from Sudan to Kenya, surviving on hope and little else. The men survive conditions so deplorable that one, John, recounts believing they were doomed to a life of suffering because "God grew tired of [them]".
When they arrive at the refugee camp, they find safety and companionship among other child refugees, but food is scarce and many, if not all, have been orphaned. Finally, the US steps in to relocate many of the older "Lost Boys" to 23 states in the nation. They are given housing and 3 months of government assistance; during which time they must find gainful employment and become self sufficient.
The film follows four of the Sudanese men over the course of 3 years as they settle into their new lives in Syracuse, NY and Pittsburgh PA. It is during this time in the film when my suspicions, regarding the inherent richness of cultural identity, were confirmed. While grateful for the opportunities they've been given in the US, the men will soon realize just how much they've lost along the way. God Grew Tired of Us is available on Netflix.
This is my new favorite commercial! It has restored my waning faith in the tube's worth. I haven't seen a PSA for character building in a long time. Lucky for me-and moreover those with whom Favorite Guy and I have gifted chromosomes, "That's so gay" and other forms of hate and intolerance speech have not found their way into our home. We're kinda cool like that!
This is quite an ingenious tool for addressing the issues surrounding diversity, awareness and the power of words. If you know someone who needs a tact and tolerance refresher course, please share this message.
The standout, take home, big deal of the day was how well my work was received. The only caveat of internet sales is the sterile relationship between the artist and the wearer/buyer of your work. It was so interesting and inspiring to sit back, watch and listen to the reviews and reviewers of my work. This is so refreshing for someone like me, who relies so heavily on observation, rhythms and energy. My customers were teens, tweens, moms and grandmothers. They were gay, straight, alone and in groups, lovers and friends, coworkers and others. And they were all gettin' Pretty in Peace. Now that is just awe inspiring, and certainly an incentive to continue doing what I do.
There were no mishaps. I know, I'm shocked as well. Generally, where there is Tameka and a party of more than four humans, there is a heightened threat of terror and turmoil, but not here. In fact, the event host and owner of Frances Vintage came by at the end to tell me of the rave reviews she'd heard about me and my work. She in turn, took more inventory for her shop. All. Good. Things.
PS. Monday morning, while still in a state of recovery I received an e-mail from Minerva O. My Bourdon bracelet was featured in the Spinning Wheel blog on AZCentral! More. Good. Things.
Sorry there weren't more pictures of the set-up in detail. By the time I remembered I even had a blog it was too late! Not my preferred pace, that's for sure. Oh yeah...and I'm not sure if I'm back yet...this is kinda Michael Jordan-ish of me, I know. But, I wanted to post The Scoop. Winks.
The lady won't be back until late. She did mention
A song dug from the old grey crate, in the dark, on a whim, last night.
I think it was fate. Enjoy.
As this venture quickly comes to a close, I can only hope it's successful enough to afford me an opportunity to shift gears and devote my energies towards completing my first perzine. Yes, that much has been finalized; it will undoubtedly be a perzine. Swollen, calloused fingers crossed.
I am Bert |
![]() Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find me lovable - even if I don't love them! I am usually feeling: Logical - I rarely let my emotions rule. I am famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil. How I live my life: With passion, even if my odd passions are baffling to others. |