No resolutions, no spread, no war paint, no house guests, no party, no pressure. I ended a good year with good vibes; peace, love, cheap wine and cupcakes with sprinkles and party hats!

Fortune Teller Miracle Fish predicts, "passion" for 2009. I'll take it.

And now for some aged "cheese" to go with that cheap wine!
Happy New Year!
Love the carafe with the chalkboard paint!
A very happy New Year to you Tameka!
Best wishes for a very happy, (and passionate!) New Year!
Happy new year! Thanks for the enjoyable daily reads!
Happy New year and all my love
Favorite Guy !
Hmmm wine and cheese. Don't forget the dark chocolate and olives.
Oh, those cupcakes look delicious!
That reminds me that I'd planned on make cupcakes today with my littlest... happy new year to you and yours!
Your aged cheese is completely cracking me up. Snorting with laughter over here.
I love the cheese with the cheap wine. You crack me up girlie. Glad I stumbled upon your blog in 08. You've been a blessing with all of your wisdom and big ass words. I feel smarter just knowing you..hee-hee!! Be healthy and be blessed
Yup, I'm a big fan or aged cheese *snork*
Happy 2009, Tameka. I'm glad you had such a good celebration. We stayed in too - a nice cheap bottle of prosseco, a nice meal, and watching the ball drop. Perfect.
Happy New Year, Tameka:) I hope that 2009 brings your heart's desire:)
Happy New Year to you and your family (belatedly)!
Greetings from London.
Those are some delicious looking cupcakes and I just know your el cheapo tasted fabulous.
I had a little taste of my own with my good friends =)
At times Ive wished one could harness Time to stop or at least slow it's pace however, after viewing the vintage Rod Stewart video, I find it best that time marches on, forever forward, dulling some memories better left forgotten and erasing shame and ignorance. I have relived the cheese and am deeply shamed for having once enjoyed it. There is truly no accounting for bad taste..
big smiles Happy New Year!
Passion for 2009. Sounds good. Passion's a good thing. Except passion tea. I don't like passion tea. Bleh! But I like passion in just about everything else. And I think it is something I need more of. More passion!
Sounds like the perfect new year's eve. Happy 2009 and thanks for the "cheese".
Sounds like the perfect new year's eve. Happy 2009 and thanks for the "cheese".
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