Sunday, November 29, 2009
Good Times and Bad Blogging
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sammy, Michael & Katt
For a moment I thought, "Hmm imagine if my chemically straightened hair, excessive consumption of imported beer and favored, frequent use of the F-word were the only things people referenced when formulating an opinion about my worth, both self and societal". Oh the pressure, the pain, the horror.
Katt Williams (I'm a fan.) said something about self-esteem that really resonated with me. He said, "self-esteem is called [such] because it is the esteem of yo' motherfuckin' self". Vernacular aside, this is a heavy, poignant statement and a virtue of sorts that we should all aspire to make our mantra. When each of us is working within, our best face is put forward and in turn we see only the best of those around us. It's ignorant to believe we're all the same, it's enlightenment to acknowledge that being different is a cardinal commonality.
So what, the voice within someone who once looked like me or you has chosen alternate packaging and your voice says stay in the skin/features/gender to which you were born, it's all the same difference.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Meet Minerva

The owl is a superb animal, a master of physical presence, grace and alertness. She relishes physical reality and takes delight in sensation and movement. She lives in her body and listens to the music of her own metabolism. She feels the waxing and waning of the living energy that pulsates in every cell.

She likes sweet tea and strong lovers
She reads with the radio on
She dances to silence and sings with her eyes
She wears short-sleeved sweaters and sneakers with heels
Her words are few, her tales many
And, she just won't have it any other way
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Einstein Didn't Sew!

and Other Truisms on Amateur Sewing
What else? Oh! I've learned to respect the pedal, no more Danica Patrick type acceleration. I am also quite happy to report I am stitching at a comfortable even pace. Well, except for when I veer off course and have to straighten up again. The reverse stitch function thingie is for reverse stitching; it doesn't remove crooked stitches. Yep, I learned that too.
xoxo, Tameka
The funny thing about humans...
Just when you think, that's it, I'm done a pox on all of 'em- the special ones make themselves visible. This impeccable timing is undeniable even for an aspiring misanthrope like me.
After my "Drunk, again" post, the beautiful humans weighed in; in the comments section, in e-mails, on the phone, on Facebook!, in person...and gratefully all in small well-timed spurts. Winks. They''ve all reminded me that without the occasional ugliness that is the human condition, I'd forget or otherwise overlook the beauty that exists in all of us, in all of you. Thanks, friends.
Peace and love
Monday, November 16, 2009
Drunk, again...
I feel, I don't know how I feel. I feel open, fearful, anxious. I feel I've been made privy to too much and in that exposure I too have become weakened, vulnerable, fragmented. I feel-in short, like I need repair. So, that's what I'll do, as I've always done. I'm going to reach in and fix myself, clear my head, straighten my back, recoup and rehab, and I'll undoubtedly fall off the people wagon again, but hopefully not too soon.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Random Thought Thursday: On Dreams and Dreaming
-Paul Valery
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Young Men & Old Books

Friday, November 6, 2009
Gaia, the Hebrew word for earth and Nirit for flower, these pieces are representative of the delicate symbiosis that exists between a mother and daughter. My grandmother's failing health has given me pause to consider and reconsider these relationships; hers and mine , my mother's and hers, and ultimately my mother's and mine.
I've used heavily oxidized and raw brass to symbolize the fusion of age and youth, stone and glass for fortitude and pulchritude and a large copper floral focal on Nirit for growth. Idyllically these would meld as nicely in life as they do in design and theory, but what fun would that be? Smiles.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
30 Days...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween 2009

(who ONLY quoted Mae West for 4+ hours!)