At some point during one of our usual phone conversations, the subject of love came up and we waxed and waned about this special man of ours; his voice, his body, his smile, his gift, his ...well, you know where I'm going. She wanted several of his children (The numbers varied from 5-10, depending on when you'd ask.) I just wanted to practice making them (I'm done with intra-uterine operations management.) And, it was decided that we should just share. There's enough Maxwell fantasies for both of us.
So, last night we set out to spend some quality time with our man. Giggling like school girls we phoned back and forth, periodically doing wardrobe and hysteria checks until show time. As usual, he did not disappoint; a melodious, riotous, lascivious evening was had by all.
As an aside, if you're looking for a new artist with an old soul, I found Laura Izibor; the opening performer, thoroughly enjoyable and she'll find her way onto my play-list. Maxwell's Black Summer's Night CD drops July 7th.