Thursday, July 30, 2009

Random Thought Thursday: Do The Right Thing

There's been quite a bit on my mind lately, since I've shut the outside world out and off. There's nothing particularly pressing in my immediate vicinity, but in all of the absorption and observation of weeks' past, the one recurring theme has been integrity.

There seems to be a shortage of folks doing the right thing for sheer virtue of doing the right damn thing. I keep hearing and witnessing these personal tragedies of epic proportions that could have been averted with a bit of forethought and an intrinsic belief that forthright is indeed right.

Then yesterday, I serendipitously stumbled across the Stop Art Piracy Campaign and knew it was a call-however small, to action! So here's my contribution to stop art piracy,"Strut Your Own Stuff." No worries there are no plans for a crusade of vigilantism. Hell, I'm not even leaving the house-I do my best work by myself and on myself.

Today, I took advantage of one opportunity to do the right thing, how about you?

Peace and integrity

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Losing My Way

In a People House: Pens, Pencils & Paint Brushes

The last couple of months have been action-packed. There have been trips, events, birthdays, new ventures, old friends, new acquaintances and more. All of this variety and spontaneity appeared at first inviting, but now as I stand in the middle of my mind's forest, I fear I've gotten in too deep.

All of the energy associated with this action packed period in my life has left me feeling overstimulated, exhausted and a bit wayward even. Humans, we're like drugs to one another; it certainly looks like fun from the outside-I even thought it through for a while, and then I indulged- just a little, but now I'm awake and feeling not very good.

Don't get me wrong, some of us bode quite well under the influence, in fact they're more fun when they're "people drunk"; I'm sure you know the type. But, not me. Alas I've picked up enough energy, junk, overall weird people shit for the next few months. I guess that means, I'm going to churn out some awesome art. I certainly hope so; creativity is the only way out of the forest.

Ever been to the forest?

Peace and solitude

Saturday, July 25, 2009

On Becoming

I was recently given an awesome opportunity to flex my writing muscle on a NEW! project: Moms of Hue. Moms of Hue is a communal social media project which focuses on the unique perspective of mothers of color on an array of social, political and personally relevant topics. Today's post however- if I may be so immodest, is one of those cross-over, thought provoking pieces of writing that transcends the perspective of race and even parenting and hits right at the core of personhood.

Are you living a life of your own design? Have you become the you of your dreams? Stop in and weigh in.

Peace and self awareness

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More Summer Fun

The Mercado Family is still burning the midnight oil! Our label, Next Dimension Music celebrated it's 4th year in existence last Saturday at a quaint roof-top venue in Phoenix. Below is a photo montage of some of the evening's highlights. There's chalk art graffiti, tribal dancing, a rare shot of my ink and the best part, an absolutely gorgeous medley of people from all over the globe under one sweltering night sky, entranced by my Favorite Guy, Joseph's talent. It's been over twenty years since we met on the dance floor and I'm still his biggest fan! Swoons and twirls.

Did I mention Joseph is now officially a member of the elite "Club Quadragenarian"? What a pity, I've yet to qualify. Snickers. He did however enjoy this caramel almond and vanilla bean ice cream topped brownie and a kiss as a proper send off.

I hope all of my blog friends are enjoying magical summers, as well!

-Peace and music

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

On Life in Ink

A "Not Mine and Noteworthy" from my latest Antiques District expedition

The only thing weightier than the scent of fat meat and humidity were the hearts of a family in despair. As I typed these words, I knew I had entered dangerous territory; I had broken a Black family cardinal rule: silence.

Growing up, the only thing I ever got in trouble for was talking. I even talked about getting in trouble for talking about not talking. "Cheryl asked me what you and I talked about and I told her I couldn't tell. But, don't tell her I told you she asked, okay?" This was a recurring discussion between myself and childhood therapists. It is also what I believe to be the catalyst to my obsession with speaking about life and the subsequent creation of outlets for such speech: imaginary friends, writing, and art. I discovered a loophole; a way to speak without talking.

This brings me to where I am today, ambivalent and perhaps even afraid; as I put the finishing touches on the intro to a series of tell all tales. My inner child, Fear, has me by the throat firmly yet tentatively as she asks, "Are you sure about this, are we going to get in trouble"? As a child, I couldn't wait to become an adult so that I could do whatever I wanted. As an adult, I can- in no uncertain terms, be stopped by the same child. So with resolve, I swallow and continue to type.

Think or discuss: What is your inner child keeping you from?

Peace and courage

Monday, July 13, 2009

On 36 and Thinking

My first day as a thirty six year old was eerily similar to my last days as a 35 year old, only spent in new pajamas. It would seem the past few years have been rich in deep- and sometimes not, thought. Some days I become so overstimulated by my internal voice, it seems as though I've been amidst company.

I sometimes catch myself asking inwardly-and sometimes outwardly, if I'd previously covered a thought as it enters; only to discover, I have not. Feeling too far invested in the topic to bring the now rightfully confused party (usually the Favorite Guy) up to speed, I return to my internal voice. I enjoy the company for the most part, and we get on nicely-however, between us friends, sometimes I wish she'd just shut the hell up. Do you ever feel that way?

Peace and quiet

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009

"The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.” -Oscar Wilde

I knew that!

Peace, beer, and ice cream cake!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Random Thought Thursday: What's Going On?

Dead Tree: T.Allen-Mercado 2009

[Edited from what I've actually been saying the past couple weeks.] I haven't had any packaged, processed or SOLID foods in nearly 10 days, I'm feeling a bit more alert and oriented than my bag o' chips and a brews posts. So I ask, "Really, what the hell is going on in the world"?

Before Michael Jackson's untimely death, we were a nation banded together by all of this hope for "change". We were sending out positive energies, mojo and prayers for the troops, our neighbors in foreclosure, our friends and relatives who are unemployed, unmarried, and just plain unmotivated. And it got me to thinking...

If Michael Jackson wasn't a mega star would we offer his spirit, his legacy and his family the same basic respect and human decency we reserve for those who can't moonwalk? If your neighbor mourned the loss of someone she felt connected to (for whatever reason) for a week, would you ask her to get over it? Would you remind him/her that there are bigger, greater, grander things of which to be concerned, or would you respect her need to bleed? Even, if your only reason was a show of respect and acknowledgment that feelings aren't right or wrong, they just are. Even if in doing so, you stood only to gain self respect. Then, would it be too much to ask?

As we buried our guinea pig yesterday and the phone calls came in, the e-mails, comments and convos, I reflected, for a moment on humanity. More specifically, humanity as it relates to mortality. We're quick to assign value to lives that aren't ours to qualify. We're quick to exalt, laud and condemn, at will; it's as if we're somehow absolved from the come around of what goes around. Why, because we can't moonwalk?


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Farewell, Beau

Sighs. The single most difficult part of fur family relationships is saying good bye, or not. We lost one of our fur family members early this morning without warning, and needless to say we're all shocked and terribly saddened. From what I've read the average life span is 4-5 years but he seemed so virile just yesterday, whistling and waddling about in his cage. This is all so very sudden which compounds the grief, although I guess, you're never fully ready to lose a pet.

Original artwork by Suzanne LeGood on

Beau, our Peruvian Cavy was with us only a short time in our lives, but his entire lifetime. He has left us with rich memories and an unrivaled standard in cavy coiffure. Beau was an undeniably striking fellow, with his flowing tortoise locks and come hither stare. Okay, the stare was more, Where's the alfalfa? than come hither, but these are my memoirs; I'm allowed such liberties. Smiles

For now, I must bid you fine blog friends adieu as we make arrangements to send Monsieur Beau over the rainbow bridge in style, just the way he would've wanted, the best we can offer still holds no candle to all he deserved. Farewell, furry dude.


Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm halfway there, livin' on a prayer...

Well, actually I'm living on anything that can fit in a juicer! Yes, I'm fasting again. Upon returning from our vacation, I began experiencing all of the symptoms of doshic upheaval; so I'm in reset mode if you will. Five days in, five more to go. I'm starting to feel myself again, my stomach and complexion thanked me about 2 days ago! I hope my blog friends are fabulous, here's a little 80's music to keep me from eating a I mean to keep you entertained. Happy Monday, all.

Peace and discipline,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's My 2nd Blogoversary!

Tea Party by Stablercake on

Tea and Honey Bread is 2 years old, I'm farklempt! Rubs face in disbelief and smiles awkwardly. 400+ posts, 135 public followers, quality relationships, a voice; uncovered, recovered, newly discovered; empathy, consciousness, awareness, diverse readership, and a sweet enough for me, slice of virtual world acceptance. Did you know I blogged for a year without a single comment?

This may seem inwardly insignificant but, every time I sit [here] to share the contents of the space between your reality and mine, I'm faced with a decision; to love it or lose it. To love the anxiety, "Will they hear me, understand me, accept me, agree?" To love and embrace the challenge to incite a thought, or a riot. To respect the greatest caveat:

The single biggest problem in communication, is the illusion that it has taken place.”

-George Bernard Shaw

Or, sacrifice my freedom; my voice, my power, my gift to the intrinsic fears of a buck-toothed girl, her imaginary friends, a cat and a dog- in a tiny apartment kitchen in Western, Queens. (This concept is going somewhere some day, I promise.)

Tea and Honey Bread is in many ways a gathering of friends, of fresh minds; an exchange of new ideals and ideas; like college but with less sex, better beer and more guilt. Winks.

Thanks all of you, for contributing to this work in progress; for being an ear and/or echo to my voice, for being good friends. If you're new here, introduce yourself we're an inviting bunch. Let's have a fabulous next 365 days, shall we?

Peace and gratitude,

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