Sunday, March 29, 2009
100, 101, 102...

Shutter Click & Chat 3/29

Dancing...more accurately kitchen dancing. A little history is in order here; one of my quirks is an inability to be positioned in the center of a room, any room. Since our living room is pretty open (3 points of entry) and sofa dancing isn't possible, for the past five years every party we've hosted has involved kitchen dancing, lots of kitchen dancing. I think it's pretty funny that no one ever questions it, they just join in. So, where is the craziest place you've gone dancing?
Shutter Click & Chat April 5th-April already?!
Rain or something rain related...galoshes, wellies umbrellas are all good.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Gone Fishing!
I'm not sure what I'll do just yet, I reckon I'll figure it out when I can stop this giddy dancing. Have a fabulous Friday all!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
This Thing Called Family
One recurring thought centers around this thing we call family and how the very core of its hardy foundation is exclusively contingent upon a delicate balance of dynamics; characters, roles and themes. I'm not really sure what role I'd like, but know that I'm struggling miserably to play the part in which I've been historically cast. Yet, the show must go on. Hmm...do you play yourselves in your families' performance of This Thing Called Family?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Shutter Click & Chat 3/22

These are the dandelions at the edge of the path that made me smile amidst my terrible very bad miserable week. I fondly remembered picking them as a child and making wishes that I wholeheartedly believed would come true. I think some of them did. I left these in place because I wasn't sure what to wish for given the week I was having I thought it best I leave them be-you know watch what you wish for and all that. I did however return yesterday with my camera to snap a few shots in case someone came upon them with a wish ready for wishing. What would you wish for?
Next week's Shutter Click & Chat is Dancing
Last week, Kathy wrote and posted photos of her daughter's wedding. One was a photo of her dancing and it immediately made me smile. Dancing is something you just can't not enjoy! So let's see you (or someone else) cut a rug!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I shot this photo of Yael's watering can for Hey Harriet's Shadow Shot Sunday. For more great shadows or to forever change the way you see sunshine and shadows click here.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I took a long walk without the cell phone, smiled at a dandelion then at the sun, and at my son, and my daughter, and my Favorite Guy, and the cats. Then, I smiled at myself in the mirror where I brushed my hair and groomed my brows, put on some moisturizer, lip balm and my favorite raggedy tee and pants. I poured a drink-no rocks and sat in SILENCE for a spell.
I had one of those weeks that felt like it began without my knowledge or consent and it continued without pause, punctuation, or presence of thought. Like a freight train, it ran through here and me. I'm putting it all back together now and hoping next week- should it return, I won't miss my STOP. Ever have one of those weeks?
Monday, March 16, 2009
I did it...
I want so badly not to enjoy this junket to the literary underbelly, but the sheer convenience of it all dictates the likelihood that I may just love it. Or not. I choose close captioning when and wherever possible because reading makes television and film watching more enjoyable, so how can listening alone compare?
Well for one, I can still enjoy my "book" as treadmill induced perspiration burns my eyeballs. Then again, I could just stop tweezing my eyebrows and rid myself of that dilemma.
I could get more reading done in a shorter period of time. I could also do some meditation before reading. If I clear my cluttered 31.6 year old mind, remember what it is I've read and, not have to go back and reread a few pages, I'd still get more reading done! (Note: I'm 35.6 according to the NYS Department of Vital Records and my entire family, but the all knowing folks at Real Age beg to differ, and I aim to please therefore, I must concur.)
So much to think about. Sigh. Oh, what "book" did I purchase? McSweeney's Field Recordings Vol. III. You can read the... sniffle, sniffle, lip tremor... l-l-liner notes here. Book and experience review coming soon!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Shutter Click & Chat 3/15

Next week, which is the 22nd. (Did anyone else catch last week's weird date? St. Patrick's Day obsessed much?! ) Deuces wild!
Shutter Click & Chat 03/22: Two
Show me a couple or pair of anything you deem shutter click and chat-worthy. Chuckles at the possibilities...
My Confidante

To participate in Hey Harriet's Shadow Shot Sunday meme, click here.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Brooke Factor

And, Brooke is not just a force on the interwebs, if you read her comments, often you'll see her partner in advertising and love, the equally inspired Craig Brimm cheering her on right along with us!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A watched pot doesn't boil...

Oh humans why do you trouble me so? Here is my latest people suck adventure, I have a friend who pretty much calls me daily for everything ranging from minor annoyances (mail in the wrong box) to major dilemmas (dating married men). Those of you who follow Tea & Honey Bread know I am neither afraid nor ashamed to speak my mind. Tea & Honey Bread is almost 2 years old and we have been friends for more than 20 years; clearly, she knows when a verbal walloping is imminent. Or so you'd think.
Yesterday she calls me with the most preposterous child rearing issue. There is no choice in the matter; decision A will take some hard work and dedication, but decision B should (but probably will not because the system sucks) result in some hard time in the pen! She goes on with her jeremiad, blah, blah, blah, and then she says, are you ready for this? She says- at the end of her wrong as two left feet speech, this fool says, "right?" Right? Right?! Are you crazy?! No, I didn't ask if she was crazy because years of marriage counseling and other random bouts of therapeutic haranguing have taught me to choose my words carefully and avoid hyperbolic speech in heated matters. Instead, I say, "Not right." Followed by a bevy of open-ended questions designed to guide her towards her own recognizance without pointing it out accusatorily. Her response, "I have food on the stove and it's boiling over." Dial tone. Let's just say my deaf Siamese Blu got an earful behind that; the dial tone for Tameka is tantamount to the corner for Baby Houseman, a no go!
I called her today and she didn't answer. Each time my home phone rang I lunged forward like a mongoose in waiting of serpentine delights. Still, nothing. I'm thinking this-coupled with last month's disagreement on why it is wrong to sleep with other people's husbands even if you don't think they will find you and kick your whole asshole out, has not only boiled her pot, but cooked her goose; friendship reevaluation is in progress, again. Sigh.
Please tell me something nice about your friends or friendships lest I go mad.
The Cool, The Bad and Some Uncertainty Part III
The Favorite Guy says both, I'm still not sure. I want to be mindful of waste. I had even considered a limited run, leaving a space at the back of the zine where it could be recycled; addressed and passed on to another reader.
Then, I found this site and fell in an immediate and, not quite well thought out love with the digital concept. Yet, I keep going back to wanting a piece of something tangible for my efforts; something I can store away, share and read again and again even in times of technological trouble. Your thoughts?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Cool, The Bad and Some Uncertainty Part II

I caught the tail end of this film one evening on IFC upon which I saw William H. Macy and Bokeem Woodbine engaged in a prison love scene and I just had to see it. Both are fine character actors and I thought, how peculiar-this ought to be interesting. So I stayed awake to watch it the following evening and have since lived to regret the decision. This film, despite having an all star cast and a familiar storyline; mild mannered guy gets pushed beyond the brink of sanity-see: Falling Down. Edmond completely and painfully misses the mark.
The language is gratuitous, even for me. The characters- while fine actors, fail to build credible relationships in their on-screen interaction-Julia Styles goes from co-ed diner waitress into a wild sex/slasher scene with William H. Macy! What the?! Ultimately, the film takes an unfortunate, unintended comedic direction. It was so poorly made that I couldn't turn it off for fear that I'd miss a detail in trashing it in a later blog post.

Towelhead...hmm. It's taken a while for me to get my head around what it is about this film that I just could not take. It is based on a critically acclaimed novel-which I have not read, but the description of the novel is enough for me to deduce why it would work in print but sadly enough, it does not on screen.

Chop Shop...sighs-when bad film happens to great actors. I wanted to like this film so badly, I really tried to find some deep metaphoric excuse, er um meaning to the mundane madness, but could not. Alejandro Polanco, Isamar Gonzales are uber-talented young actors; well cast in their roles as homeless, parentless children hustling the streets of an Eastern Queens,Willets Point-also known as the Iron Triangle. Not even the nostalgia and mystique of an area I am familiar with could make this film work.
Chop Shop attempts to weave the tale of siblings, Ale and Izzy as they feverishly and with as much futility try to overcome the short hand they've been dealt. Ale works the chop shop whilst Izzy serves up Latin dishes, and an occasional act of prostitution. The two are trying to raise enough funds to convert an abandoned truck into the mobile food service empire that will change their lives. That's it-they work and sweat and live and love through nearly 2 painful hours. This movie and their lives take off like a car on cinder blocks.
So yeah, these are the worst films I've seen this year. Have you any duds you wish to warn me of, or have you seen any of these and think I've got it all wrong? I'd love to hear from you.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Shadow Shots & Shutter Clicks!
Shutter Click & Chat 3/17
Show me some green...wait, not so fast-no trees, shrubs, grass or plants. Put your creativity cloaks on, y'know they're like thinking caps, but better!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Cool, The Bad and, Some Uncertainty: Part I
Next up, bad film reviews- I bet some of you were thinking are there any she doesn't like. Oh are there ever and I'll tell you all about them, in my next post! (That was so Ryan Seacrest of me, wasn't it?)
In other semi-unrelated coolness- Idol peeps did you see? Anoop 'Noop-dawg' (I'm from NYC) Desai is back in the house for one more try; as are Matt Giraud and Meghan Corkrey! My top 12 list is starting to look pretty damn good, I'm telling you, I'm. all. over. it. Blows knuckles and rubs them on chest. So, dish-what's cool with you?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Flagstaff at a Glance

All in all, great times and perfect timing. The new environment made way for the birth of some new ideas. Now if I can just get my body to get on board with my mind. "Hello, vacation is over, body". It's true what they say about a body at rest and all. How about you, my friends ? What's new and exciting out there in the blogosphere? Besides the new follower widget! Growls and raises fist. I feel violated; it's like someone moving your furniture around or changing your window treatments without your consent. Sighs and grimaces.

Peace and motivation