Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Unfluffy Shtuff

Cosmo at 5lbs and about 3 months old, based on his teeth

A few nights ago, the Favorite Guy and I were sitting up in bed skimming The Cat Encyclopedia and came across a very interesting fact-well, interesting to us anyway. Cats-it seems, don't think they are people, rather they think we are cats. This made for so much restless thinking on my part, as I am currently in the throes of acute misanthropy.

How fantastic would life be if humans could even begin to behave like cats? [I'm already married, I'm allowed to be a crazy cat lady. Please continue...]

Although your cat doesn't ask you how your day, life, kids, spouse, art, work, school etc. is going they also don't neglect to check if you're still alert, oriented and breathing before they go into an hour's long rant about the aforementioned areas of their life only to end the call abruptly without..."Um, yeah...I'm fine, thanks for asking," she says awkwardly, to the dial tone!

Cats know their shit stinks and are conscientious enough to cover it up but not by masking it in perfumed semantics, posturing, transference and defenses. I'm liking this already...

What have you got for me?
Have you been a good kitten, er...I mean, friend?

Peace and fluff


Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

So on usual. I love my monster, and err, yes, I forget she's a cat sometimes and just start babbling away to her-maybe because I know she can't respond. I just need to release sometimes...

Barbara said...

Cosmo makes me baby babble at my computer screen!

I've been fortunately enough to be surrounded by good kittens lately, which in turn makes me wanna be a better kitten. I think there could definitely be something to the whole human = kitty thing, I swear I must have nine lives!

mairedodd said...

she is so precious... and that is quite an interesting fact... it makes so much sense to me... i have 5 cats... i have one who treats me like his mom - seriously, not just for eating, but for everything... he is a shoulder draper... i can walk around with him across my shoulders for hours...
hope you are doing well...

LiBBy said...

That is a gorgeous kitten! Ive missed you beautiful lady. Thanks for welcoming me back. Im certain my cat knows shes a cat. She's just in denial about being a pain in the ass.

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