I am finally settling myself after a whirlwind weekend! Friday was the end of studying and the final final exam of the Summer. With Fall fast approaching, the Universe squeezed in a heaping helping of awesome for this weary, worrisome, woman on Saturday.

First, my interview with the sweet, warm and wonderful Jennifer Davis creator of "Indie With..." "Indie With" is a blog and Internet radio show that highlights independent artists/entrepreneurs who have a little (or in some cases a lot) going on on the side. We met this past Saturday to discuss what being an mom, artist, wife, business owner, and self- proclaimed "side-dish slut" means to me.
Thirty-one minutes of fame: although the lines were quiet, Pretty in Peace was buzzing! I received more hits on Saturday than I have since I went LIVE! on Big Cartel this past August. It was a wonderful experience, and the energy shared between Jennifer and I was palpable even through the airwaves. Kindred spirits unite! Have a listen, leave a comment-let's show some support of Jen's new media venture! For more on Jennifer Davis the artist, see her shops here:
Oralgasm:"Chocolate mixed with all sorts of delicious things"
Phineas & Lou:"City life and music inspired knit and crochet" wares
With a school picture-esque smile frozen in place I begin to thrash about in my closet to find something equal parts comfortable and stylish for my date with the Favorite Guy. That's right- same day, new adventure. Joseph and I are fortunate enough, through our respective works, to be neatly tied into the local art and music scene here in Phoenix. Friend and esteemed local
DJ Senbad was working the Red Bull Sound Clash with The Roots and Miniature Tigers, and we got in on this SOLD-OUT evening of super.
And stupor, in the way that only an energy drink sponsored bar side event can be.
And now, I wait for the final grade of my final class to post. I'm tinkering on the edge of an A. based on my worst-case-scenario calculations, I will need a minimum grade of 88% to hang on to my 4.0 with a 91.910%. Anything lower, and I fall into that grey, subjective area that clearly doesn't fit with my very concrete plan for world domination, now does it?
Sips cawfee, minimizes screen, F5s on grade book and...still nothing. Grimace.
This post has been brought to you by the letter, "F", Peace!