Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yael Rose, 3 days shy of 11

Roots...roots and rooting. I'll be- well, maybe not the first, but pretty close to- first person to admit that sometimes I lose my way; I lose my focus, my footing, my roots. Life in all of its intricate complexity, twists, turns and such, can really-no, really put a spin on the way we think it should be; the way we envisioned, the way we intended. You know what I mean, right? The kind of shtuff (I'm not afraid of the word "shit" -just so you know-but, I've met my belligerence quota for the week.) that happens between planning and fruition, and after "Plan B". That, my friends, is precisely when life calls for a 90 minute phone call with grandma, a soul-less soul food recipe involving faux pork infusion, and some quiet time, twisting away on sweetly scented scalps.

Some time ago, one of my fellow "transplanted" girlfriends mentioned that she needs to ground herself with her, "New York shit": quarantined in the car alone, with a song or four, thousands of miles from "home" in reality, but in a place, in a space of this-is-as-good-as-it-gets-right-now satisfaction. I think I get it.

Make no mistake, I don't miss NYC, and I am at home here...but, I was missing something; some sort of connectivity was lacking, and my return to the simplicity of rich Gullah convo, cornrows and cornbread (far too many pieces) made me realize, I'm perfectly content and at ease without it, or I found it. Perhaps I never lost it, whatever it was. Forward march...



mairedodd said...

glad you were able to come back to that feeling - it is what matters afterall, that you can return... on a bit of a journey that pulls me one way while feet are trying to stay rooted in others... feeling like a snail with maya angelou's quote about being home engraved upon it...
yael's hair turned out beautifully -

Wonderful Star said...

Maybe you just needed quiet time for it to manifest. Glad you found IT.


Jewelry Rockstar said...

Forward march... that is a pretty hairstyle on Yael. I needed some ideas for my Masai.

PussDaddy said...

You know, this may be very wrong for me to say, but when I think about moving and the worst place I could possibly end up IMHO it is always New York. I just never would want to live there.


Kathy said...

Beautiful hair and glad you figured it out.

Barbara said...

Here, Here. I hear ya. Emma and I have spent the last week, curled up under grandma in her bed, eating her good home cooking, sharing her laughter, picking through the knots in her cotton-soft curls, and talking baby blankets. It was much needed, post mental breakdown =).

Muffled Intellect said...

all u need is some beers and some crazy times with your closest nyc friends, that always did the trick, im sure it still will.

Jennifer said...

Oh I know that feeling of feeling lost and then realizing that maybe you weren't as lost as you thought. My mom also used to style my hair when she needed to relax :) Your daughter's hair looks awesome!

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