Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Free Flow

Clears throat and channels inner radio personality, "It's 8:00 am, and what a beautiful Sunday morning it is in the Valley of the Sun. We're blowing off the dust and digging deep into the mental crates with DeBarge's 1983 hit, "A Dream". This goes out to all you gettin' old heads in denial and the silly youngsters who think the melody was stolen from the much later, but still great Tupac. Enjoy."

Eight something; surprising given last night's restlessness. It had to be two, or later when I finally shut down and agreed--after some gentle coaxing from the man, that it was time to retire for the day and from the worry.

My little place of peace is looking exceptionally tidy this morning; Yael is pulling out all the stops in exchange for a much coveted piece of Vampire Diaries replica jewelry. She's been so helpful since my surgery that it sorta makes up for the pubescent insanity that we've been struggling with since the separation.

I feel refreshed and ready for something fabulous today...or maybe I'm just ready for someone fabulous; Michael plans to visit soon. We're returning to center for a restorative breath after a few tender weeks. The distance has its advantages logistically as we're both adapting to major life changes, but there's no logic in love or the 2484.97 miles between us. We're pining.

My container garden is a great source of pride for me right now. Who could have known gardening would be so therapeutic. For so many years, I've been a notorious black thumb. I started the garden in December when Jordan moved out. I needed a distraction, and of course, something to nurture. Since then, I've taken on spider mites (and lost), aphids (and won), germinatin', propagatin', and harvesting. I'm sort of a big deal on the balcony. Laughs.

Coffee's tepid, gotta go.

Peace and Sunshine


Unknown said...

ahhhh...feel like i've had a glass of cold water. fulfillment! so happy for new posts from you!

you, your lovely jewelry works, and your excellent writings crossed my mind at various times during the past couple of weeks. not sure {or can't remember} what it's about, but i hope your healing has been coming along well.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back (although that welcome is a little late). A container garden, eh? I am doing one in my apartment as a part of our Virtual Earth Scouts troop... Tips? I really don't have much light in the rooms other than my bedroom so that will have to be Ground 0.

So glad you and your daughter are getting back to calm. It's tough to have to deal with the craziness of pre-teen hood and everything else. I'm taking notes as usual!

Relyn Lawson said...

I hadn't though of DeBarge in a long time. Thanks for the smiles and the trip down memory lane.

Jewelryrockstar said...

Now I know damn well, that I didn't lose some pages to this here blog. What's all this talk about long distance love, babies moving out, and surgery.

It's not lost on me that you just matter of factly threw these things in as though we already knew. Well maybe others did know all these things, but I am sitting over her clueless and realizing now that there are many gaps in virtual relationships :)

Glad to hear from you.

Maybe we should make up a challenge to blog everyday, so that we can get the band back together :)

iflo1022 said...

Hey,Tameka! So good to "see" you shining again. XOXO....Irma

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